Former US Defense Secretary: Israel Is An Ungrateful Ally

Former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is no friend of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu according to a Bloomberg report. It appears that during a meeting held this summer prior to Mr. Gate’s retirement, the senior American administration official told members of the National Security Council Principals Committee that the administration took steps towards guaranteeing Israel’s security, including access to state-of-the art weaponry; continued assistance in the development of missile defense systems; and access to high-level intelligence reports, telling committee members that the United States receives nothing in return – and this is particularly true regarding the peace process with the Palestinians.

The report adds that “senior administration officials” quoted Gates as telling President Barak Obama that not only is Netanyahu ungrateful, but he also endangers his very own country by refusing to grapple with Israel’s growing isolation and demographic challenges as is continues struggling to maintain control of the West Bank.

Gates was no fan of the current Israeli administration, and he also spoke out when Vice President Joe Biden was visiting Israel, and during that visit a new building tender was announced for the eastern capital, an area viewed as controversial by the US administration. Gates told colleagues that if he were the vice president, he would have returned home immediately and told Mr. Netanyahu to phone the president if and when you get serious about negotiations, Bloomberg adds.

Gates is also upset with Israel over a US weapons deal to Saudi Arabia, an American ally, adding the Israeli prime minister lectured the senior US official over the dangers to Israel resulting from arming regional nations with such advanced weaponry. Gates, who is also a veteran to the intelligence community, was displeased with the tone of the prime minister, with Bloomberg adding he reminded Mr. Netanyahu that the weaponry deal to Saudi Arabia and other Arab states enjoyed the approval of Israel and pro-Israel congressmen.

The critical report adds this is all especially relevant as the Obama administration is most likely going to veto any unilateral Palestinian declaration of statehood in the Security Council, and this will be done despite Prime Minister Netanyahu. In short, the report emphasizes that the White House’s disdain for the prime minister has grown, but nevertheless the US takes Israel’s side in international disputes.

Bloomberg adds that a Pentagon spokesman, George Little, said that “Gates’ successor, Leon Panetta, ‘agrees with what President Obama and former Secretary Gates have both said, which is that our defense relationship with Israel is stronger than ever.’”

Bloomberg also adds that Gate’s is not perceived as being an anti-Israel official, adding an additional measure of credibility to his position.

In response to the report, Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated it shows just how the prime minister is damaging Israel’s security and strategic interests with his policies.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Most Americans, and probably many Israelis, feel that Israel is unable to survive, at least in the long run, and exists solely as an act of charity by the United States, and that the Israelis should so more gratitude to the US.
    There really isn’t a hiddush in that.

    If Israel wants to be independent, it should refuse to accept American aid, and be prepared to to go one on one with with Muslims without American backup, and realizing that once the US and Europe are “neutral”, Israel will have to understand that neutrals don’t normally supply military cargos (e.g. food, oil, weapons, etc.). Whether the Jews of Eretz Yisrael are willing to make severe sacrifises for the sake of the medinah are questions. The frummies are more concerned with Torah and Mitsvos, and the hilonim are too busy enjoying life.

  2. Oh MY, how will HaSh-m be able to bring the Geula if we don’t have the approval of Gates, Obama, and the U.S. State Department?
    Let’s see now…
    The U.S. says that the Shomron is “occupied territory”.
    HaSH-m says it is the heartland of Eretz Yisrael.

    Now whom should we listen to?

  3. Let me see…who was it that addressed the other’s national legislature at the invitation of the opposition, and proceeded to misrepresent the other’s position?

    There are many patriotic Isralis who think Netanyahu is over the top, you know…not just self-hating Liberal pro socialist closet muslim neo communist fifth column unlearned frei Jews.

  4. Akuperma, you say “…If Israel wants to be independent, it should refuse to accept American aid, and be prepared to to go one on one with with Muslims without American backup…”

    Ever see the Mouse that Roared? Do you know much about the IAF’s aircraft inventory? Know who helped pay for for the Dolphin Class submarines? You are out of your cotton picking mind!!

  5. “Whether the Jews of Eretz Yisrael are willing to make severe sacrifises for the sake of the medinah are questions. The frummies are more concerned with Torah and Mitsvos, and the hilonim are too busy enjoying life”.

    The sacrificies were and continue to be huge whether physically/financially and or emotionally. Israel is always considered the ‘ungrateful spouse” when she disagrees with the baal habayis.

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