IDF Planning To Teach Chareidi Inductees About Zionism

The IDF will try to reeducate chareidi inductees beginning this week. An existing program is being modified for inductees heading for the Netzach Yehuda Battalion [more affectionately known as Nachal Chareidi], part of the Machal program. (Machal is an abbreviation for Volunteers from abroad – מתנדבי חוץ לארץ)

The program is not new, and Hebrew is taught to facilitate a soldiers’ ability to function proficiently in the IDF, but now, two instructors have been specially trained, soldiers from a Beinish (Bnei Yeshiva) units, towards teaching a course containing a number of subjects, including Israeli heritage and knowledge of the land as well as stressing values of Zionism and its bond to the land.

Classes include reading newspapers and geography, as well as reading and writing. Lectures are in Hebrew as well as inductees learning to communicate and write in Hebrew.

IDF education officials are confident the program will enhance the abilities of the new soldiers to meld with the greater IDF, simply making their absorption into the military easier. The courses will be held in very small groups towards maximizing effectiveness.

Education officer Captain Dror Meirav explains that even the texts selected for the course are suitable, not offensive to the chareidi way of life. They hope to teach about Israeli Olympic successes and show movies such as Ushpizin [with Shuli Rand who is chareidi], which was filmed for the chareidi community in mind.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Just like the Czar’s army taught the hareidi draftees (remember, back then all the Yidden were frum) about their religion. As the goyim would say (plagerizing from us): the more things change, the more they stay the same

  2. Ummmmmm.
    I don’t like this.
    A. The chareidi soldiers have enough reason to fight. We love eretz yisrael a lot more than the secular do.
    B. This will just add more fuel to the anti army people’s fire.
    C. As far as cohesiveness, the secular soldiers aren’t zionist.

  3. Good idea to learn some geography, history of Israel and reading/writing the language is a class for the gifted. Go for it…as long as the teachers are better than the ones in the elementary grades.

  4. As long as the frum soldiers can teach the others about true yiddishkeit. Hey, its a two way street.

    I guess with tzionism all they have to remember is one pasuk, “Kochi V’otzem Yodi…”

    Hashem Yerachem!

  5. Probably with a mandatory closing ceremony featuring female singers singing Zionist songs.
    Also, they would be better served teaching the Zionist inductees about Chareidim.

  6. The title and pic are so misleading. This is the chutznik voluntary service in nachal charedi. The people who sign up for this are american and english boys who went to zionist yeshivos like hakotel or gush. Theyre not brainwashing any particual chareidi population in the army.

  7. It is as sinister in nature as it sounds no matter how well meaning the individual participants may be

    We will not be incorporated rehabilitated or reeducated it is from the times of the soviet enlightenment

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