London Mayor Boris Johnson’s Bid To Keep Charedim Fitter

The following is from the Jewish Chronicle:

Strictly Orthodox Jews are being encouraged to take up kayaking, football and a range of fitness activities as part of a new scheme aimed at making the community healthier.

Charedi communities have set up sports groups and exercise sessions through the Maccabi GB Enable Project, which uses funding from Mayor of London Boris Johnson.

Around £12,000 has been awarded so far, with 500 people doing more exercise and taking part in a wider range of activities as a result. The money is targeted at hard-to-reach parts of the community, where strictly Orthodox Jews would usually not take part in mixed-sex groups or cross-community sessions.

Interlink’s Melanie Danon said: “This project is giving people opportunities to access activities they have not used before because they cannot use outside centres for religious and cultural reasons.”

Maccabi’s Daniel Morris added: “It is a part of the community we wanted to be more involved in working with, but we have always found it hard to make good contacts. Doing it this way has been a perfect match for everyone.”


2 Responses

  1. They should create competitive sports tailored to the chareidi community. Some suggestions:

    1) Shucklethon – participants graded on speed, shuckle count, depth of shuckle and form.

    2) Shachris Mill- Teams of 10 compete to see which can complete shachris in the shortest possible time. Words dropped constitute demerit.

    3) Mikva Madness – Contestants converge on a crowded mikva on erev Shabbos and try to get in and out in the shortest possible time. Must be wearing the same clothing when leaving mikva as when entering.

    4) Kazayis Crunch – Each participant is given chazon ish’s shiur of whole wheat shmura matzo and must devour in shortest possible time. Accompanying liquids not allowed. Must keep the matzo down for at least an hour. Winner gets the Achilas Pras.

  2. ThenAgain +1. Lol. Hilarious!

    Please post it in the coffee room. (do you know how?) We need good humor like this there but I dont remember seeing you post there. Thanx

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