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Police Arrest Two Beit Shemesh Chareidi Residents Over Fliers Depicting Police Chief As Hitler YM”S

Police arrested two chareidi residents of Beit Shemesh, who allegedly are behind the flyer depicting Jerusalem Police Chief Niso Shachar as Adolf Hitler YS”VZ. The suspects are 26 and 55-years-old. Police detectives taking part in the raid in Beit Shemesh Bet arrived at the homes of the suspects who are reportedly affiliated with the sikrikim. They entered the home of the avreichim and made the arrests, confiscating items from their homes as well.

The two were taken for a remand hearing in a Rishon L’Tzion court where police requested their detention on charges of incitement to violence.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Wow these guys just don’t get it! They are NOT stopping their campaign to cause more chillul Hashem. BH they were stopped so that these flyers did not get to the secular media. Right now, there must be a great show of goodwill in order to repair all the damage that has been done. This is so not the way!

  2. # 1 yes #2 Fredom of Speech is diff. then incitement which is illegal #3 NO chareadim have called police NAZIES FOR YEARS AND NO ARRESTS #4 they dont go on internet ,fool #5 the charaedim are the Rishay Yisroel of yesteryear.Did u see how the police controlled themselves and the chr. not

  3. People have to realize that the state of Israel is a FAKE democracy! When I was in EY there was a situation going on in Meiron where someone that called himself frum mossered to the police about other frum Jews plans to stop the building in the tomb of the Tanna RSBY. Other people hung up signs saying how the person is a Mosser. The police all of a sudden knew how to learn and said that since according to Shulchan Aruch a Mosser is Chayav Missah, the writers of the signs are inciting violence! They arrested them and threatened 5 years in jail! At a protest in Yerushalayim which I attended one of the police officer threatened a chareidi protester that if he steps foot in the street he will kill him and break every bone in his body! The double standard would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.

  4. #7, you have no idea what the word “incitement” means. There is no way that this poster could be called incitement. What crime is it inciting?

  5. @Akuperma

    There is a diffrence between freedom of speech and respect.

    As Jewish people and citizens of this world, we must uphold respect to each and everyone regardless of whether we believe they are correct.

    This is complete disgust. All these Chasidim are a shame to the Jewish people. They are completely fake and contemptious

  6. While my personal opinion is that using Holocaust imagery – whether depicting fellow Jews as Nazis, or yellow stars or anything – is totally unacceptable, this incident is the height of hypocrisy.

    A few years ago, a blogger published photo-montaged pictures of Netanyahu both in Nazi uniform and as performing a Nazi salute. The legal and media conclusion was that the blogger had done nothing wrong. Netanyahu and the “mitnachalim” have been called Judeo-Nazis and fascists on way more than one occasion, again by the Israeli media.

    But when the same tactic is used against those the Leftist press supports, they are guilty of incitement to violence.

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