Former IAF Commander: Who Would Believe

Former Israel Air Force Commander Avihu Ben-Nun told Israel Radio on Monday afternoon, that despite reports and the mounting speculation of an Israeli assault, accompanied by fears such a move would be disastrous due to the logistical impossibilities, he prefers to base his assessment on the IDF’s past performances.

Ben-Nun explained that he himself is out of the loop today, but few are truly aware of what is being planned, but based on situations like the June 1967 Six Day War, the 1976 rescue of hostages in Entebbe and the successful elimination of the Iraqi nuclear facility, one can understand the IDF’s capabilities are indeed unique.

Ben-Nun, who was commander of the IAF from 1987-1992, explains at Entebbe, “we brought along a Mercedes Benz which was driven off the plane, giving the extra measure of surprise that made the operation possible. If anyone would have predicted the Six Day War ahead of time they would have called him a madman, but so it was”.

“It took 180 American planes to bomb a single bridge in Vietnam. Today, such an attack requires a half a plane” he added, seeking to highlight today’s advanced capabilities accompanied by the IDF’s intelligence and originality create a situation that few know what can really be done.

Ben-Nun applauds recent New York Times reports of renewed efforts by the White House at dialogue with Iran, but he feels it is essential that the Iranians understand the alternative will not be a pleasant one. He believes this is critical for sanctions to bear fruit and the international community must send such a message to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. We all know that the outcome of this very dangerous situation is 100% in the Hands of the Shomer Yisroel – the same One who performed miracles for us in the past. We can only hope and pray that He will display His middas harachamim on the Shearis Yisroel. Perhaps as a z’chus for Am Yisroel everyone should accept on himself not to post lashon hora and ho’tzas sheim ra on the Internet.

  2. Based on the history of the past couple of thousands of years, one can understand that God’s capabilities are indeed unique.

    The existence of the Jewish people for thousands of years might have something to do with God. No one really understands his unique capabilities, but judging from the Six Day War and the fact that King David in Tehimillim says that people in his day also said ‘lets wipe them out and let the name Yisrael be heard no more’ – yet here we are, thousands of years later, still on center stage…. Maybe God has something to something to do with this…

  3. “…one can understand the Israelis capabilities are unique”. He doesn’t say, but I sure hope he realizes that without Hashem, he and the Israelis are, and have, NOTHING!

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