Kiev Attack Victim Listed in Grave Condition (19:00 IL)

Efforts continue to bring the victim of the Seder night attack in Kiev to a medical center in Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Yaakov Zilberman, who heads the local community and is the local Zaka official in Kiev confirms that the young talmid, 22, is now listed in grave condition and he is in need of Am Yisrael’s tefilos.

Rav Zilberman explains the attack occurred on the second night seder, motzei Shabbos, between 00:30 and 01:00. He was seen walking out of range of the surveillance cameras, the rabbi adds.

Rav Zilberman explained he was at the hospital and the young man is in an intensive care unit on a respirator and doctors stress his condition is “life threatening”.

The tzibur is requested to be mispallel for Aaron Alexander ben Avraham b’soch cholei Am Yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Just because the “Iron Curtain” is down, does NOT mean the nature of Russian or Ukrainian goyim has changed.

    Jews should get out and stay out of these viciously anti-Semitic countries. The governments there may technically allow synagogues, but “you can’t teach old dogs new tricks”.

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