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King: Obama Administration Had ‘Dangerous Collaboration’ With Bin Laden Filmmakers

Republicans are continuing to attack the Obama administration and call for more investigations into allegations that two filmmakers were provided classified information for a movie about the Navy SEAL Osama bin Laden raid.

House Homeland Security Chairman Peter King (R-N.Y.) said Wednesday that e-mails released this week showed the filmmakers of a movie on SEAL Team Six had a “potentially dangerous collaboration” with the White House and Obama administration.

King sent letters to Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers and Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell on Wednesday voicing his dismay that filmmakers Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal were given alleged access to classified information for the movie they are making on the SEAL raid.
“The email messages indicate that the filmmakers were allowed an unprecedented visit to a classified facility so secret that its name is redacted in the released email,” King said in a statement.

And Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) called on the Pentagon’s Inspector General to investigate whether national security had been compromised by information given to the filmmakers.

The Republicans are seizing on information obtained by Judicial Watch released this week that showed emails from CIA and Pentagon officials about the filmmakers’ access.

Judicial Watch, which obtained the documents through a Freedom of Information Act request, said they show that the filmmakers were given access to access to a “planner, operator and commander of SEAL Team Six.”

King has been pressing the Obama administration since last year about classified information and the movie, which he has labeled a “blockbuster, election-year story.”

The DoD Inspector General’s office said it was investigating the issue in a December 2011 letter to King.

(Source: The Hill)

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