Religious Group Flies Swastika Banner Over NYC

A religious group flew an airplane banner defending the vile Nazi swastika Saturday, offending thousands of people trying to enjoy a summer day in Manhattan and on the Jersey shore.

The ad for was paid for by the International Raelian Movement to honor World Swastika Rehabilitation Day.

“We have rehabilitation day to explain the true meaning of the symbol,” said Las Vegas-based organizer Thomas Kaenzig. “By keeping it taboo, we give credit to the horrific Nazi ideology.”

According to Raelism, a religion that believes in UFOs, the swastika has long been a symbol of peace.

But New Yorkers were not buying it. “It’s a gorgeous day … And some idiot is flying a swastika banner off the tail of his plane up and down Manhattan,” Miguelina Nunez posted on Twitter.

(Source: MyFoxNY)

6 Responses

  1. I doubt they were flying the Nazi flag, as you have depicted. They were surely just flying a plain banner with a swastika on it, which — just as they say — was for thousands of years a symbol used universally, including by Jews. Some of the ancient shul mosaics in Eretz Yisroel have swastikas, and there were seforim printed with swastikas as a decorative motif. Until the Nazis used it it had no bad associations. So now for us it’s a painful reminder and we shun it, but if these people hold it dear we can’t really expect them to keep it in hiding just to spare our feelings. They want to expose it to sunlight and demystify it, so it will seem just as innocuous as it was before the War; I doubt it’s possible, but I can’t blame them for trying. After all, would we stop using a mogen dovid if the Japanese had used it as their symbol instead of the rising sun?

  2. it is time all people understand the true meaning of this ancient symbol which stands for peace, goodluck and wellbeing, has and still is a spiritual symbol through asia for millions of people. Watch the video at all those who a-pose this symbol will be shocked to see it`s positive uses by the USA and Canada, it is still a positive symbol, just that most of the west has been educated and associate the Swastika with negitivity, now you have the truth.
    David, Raelian–

  3. Negative emotions regarding the swastika by people under the age of 70 years old are obviously linked to their education and not to their experiences. It’s about time people were re-educated to understand the original meaning of the oldest and most recurrent symbol in the world.

  4. Who would suggest banning the Christian cross because of the Ku Klux Klan? And how would that article read?

    A religious group flew an airplane banner defending the vile Ku Klux Klan cross Saturday, offending thousands of people trying to enjoy a summer day in Manhattan and on the Jersey shore. According to Christianity, a religion that believes in Jesus Christ, the cross has long been a symbol of peace.

    Absurd, when the tables are turned

  5. My previous post was not accepted. Would have been nice to know why.

    For Milhouse or anyone with additional information.
    I am currently doing research for a short documentary video on Swastika’s in Israel. I would very much like to have more details on the locations of the Shul Mosaics. I am here in Tel Aviv and my Israeli wife has no clue what do you mean by Shul Mosaics. I have found and photographed Israeli Swastika’s such as Ein Gedi Synagogue (moved to Jerusalem Israel Museum), Maoz Haim Synagogue, Capernum Synagogue, Nahariya Byzantine Church and Roman baths in Beit She’an.

    ‏Any additional information would be appreciated

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