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Ex-SEALS Rip Obama In Film That Accuses President Of Taking Credit For Death Of Bin Laden

A group of former special operations and intelligence members is sounding off against President Barack Obama in a documentary released Wednesday that accuses him of taking credit for the death of Osama bin Laden.

The group, calling itself the Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, is also upset about alleged security leaks under the Obama administration — saying the lapses are putting overseas military members at risk.

“Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did,” Ben Smith, identified as a Navy SEAL, says in the online documentary, “Dishonorable Disclosures.” “The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not.”


7 Responses

  1. barack hussein oabama is simply using the same tactics that his muslim heritage taught him to!
    Wake up America, before it’s too late!

  2. Didn’t they need the approval of Obama? isn’t he the chief and commanderof the military? so he should get the credit. If not he then who? maybe president George Washington or maybe Andrew Jackson?

  3. So you wanna say, Chas VeShalom, that Hashem is responsible for the Chet Hameraglim or Moishe Rabbienu, cause He gave them permisssion to go. No, of course everything is in Hashems hand (or in this case, also Hashems hands, but more exact, in the countrys leader) but the people involved are the people to be credited/responsible

  4. So if we accomplish anything we have the president telling us “you didn’t do it” but when he does something (which in actuality he didn’t really do) he takes all the credit for himself. Swell guy.

  5. Mayerfreund, you are sorely mistaken. Compare the remarks by President G. Bush at the capture of Saddam Hussein with those of Obamination. Pres. Bush gave all the credit to our armed services. Not one time did he use the pronoun I. It was always They(referring to the Military). Wake up and smell the roses, Obama is a narcistic muslem.
    BTW Romney should release his tax returns when Obama actually releases his transcripts and thesis from college as well as his applications for aid as a FOREIGN student.
    Shabbat shalom.

  6. Clinton had a unit in place to track OBL when he left office G. Bushit inherited that unit so he knew where OBL was most of the time but never acted on that knowledge (maybe because his family works for the Carlye Group?) shortly before he left office he disbanded that unit (So Obama would not know where OBL was?) Obama ordered Panetta to find & kill OBL then he gave the order to plan & execute the plan so he gets the credit same as Trump gets credit for building those buildings. Those SEALS didn’t do that on their own they had training America sent them to school provided them Intel, armed them flew them there & most of all America had a president that wanted the worlds enemy dead, unlike G. Bushit! So yes Obama gets some of the credit!

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