Hurricane Sandy: Updates For Far Rockaway / Bayswater / 5 Towns Communities [9:00PM EST Wednesday]

The following was sent to YWN by the Achiezer Organization:

We first will say that we are genuinely inspired by the outpouring of support and chizuk which is literally pouring in from around our community and around the world.

As the story of this storm emerges, there are so many that are hurting, homes and property destroyed, and that have literally lost it all. By noon tomorrow we will post some vital and important updates and services that will help these people dramatically.

LIPA Update:
We have spoken with LIPA representatives numerous times throughout the day. Crews have been working hard throughout the day and Lawrence has started to get some service on select blocks. The Far Rockaway area has sustained major damage, and although they are hopeful that restoration should begin by shabbos, it still may stretch into next week.
LIPA has also advised us that you must use extreme caution with the electric when it gets turned back on. If your house or basement is still submerged in water you must turn your electric panels off in the interim to maintain safety.

Shabbos Plans:
We understand that many people are facing the prospect of sitting through shabbos with no lights and no power.
We have reached out to the Queens community and they been beyond gracious in launching a major effort of preparing homes to accept our community residents for shabbos.
We are now offering that if anyone would like to be put up for this shabbos, they should call our hotline, and we have shabbos coordinators available who will make the connection and have you put up for shabbos.
We have been informed that the JEP organization has a shabbaton available this shabbos for a nominal fee. All those who would like to utilize such a service should call JEP at 516-369-5202

For all those who will be lacking food for shabbos, we will post plans tomorrow for distribution of prepared foods throughout the neighborhood.

We have been given a major update by the eruv staff. The Eruv will be DOWN this shabbos. Please factor this important information into your weekend plans.

We understand that there is still so much information that is unclear, and we will do our best to keep the information forthcoming.
We have also been in direct contact with the Department of Homeland Security and they are working closely with us in coordinating all safety issues. They will also compile all the necessary FEMA claim and recovery information available, and make it available to the community.

Thank you again for your patience, and if you have any sort of medical emergency please call Hatzolah at 718-387-1750 or 718-230-1000.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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