Doctors: Seriously Wounded IDF Soldier Likely to Lose His Eyesight

Doctors at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva are pessimistic and they have already informed Mrs. Chana Parsi that in all likelihood, her son Yehuda Chai Bentzion, a Givati Brigade soldier injured in the shabbos anti-tank rocket against his patrol vehicle, will not see again.

Mrs. Parsi’s response, “There is a G-d in Heaven and just as He awakened Yehuda from the serious operation, with the merit of the doctors, the messenger angels, He will restore his sight.”

Both Chana and her husband Yisrael told doctors “We have emunah in HKBH and remain confident that he will see again.”

Yehuda Chai Bentzion ben Chana regained consciousness on Tuesday 28 Cheshvan 5773 to the astonishment of doctors and he is alert and breathing unassisted. Doctors confirm that he was reacting to his surroundings, making a miraculous recovery. However, his eyesight is a different matter and doctors are not optimistic due to the severe damage suffered in the attack.

Also wounded in that attack was Sergeant Shimon [ben Diana] Alenkari, who remains in the hospital’s ophthalmology unit in stable condition. Shimon sustained head, facial and eye injuries. Mrs. Alenkari said “We are thankful he is alive and survived the horrific attack.”

A third soldier wounded in the attack, Amir Biran, was discharged on Tuesday from Barzilai Hospital Baruch Hashem and a fourth soldier, Ashraf Bachri remains in a surgical unit in stable condition.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Lets keep this going and have more ppl to common to tehillim, extra mitzvos, Torah learning, tehillim etc for zechus of this soldier, the injured and the current matzav in Israel.

  2. I was just Mekabel BL”N an additional level of Shmirat Einayim until Chanukah – Lizchut Refuah Shleima shel Yehuda Chai Bentzion Ben Chana.

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