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Shas’ Margi and Bayit HaYehudi’s Moti Yogev on Knesset TV

Shas’ outgoing Minister of Religious Services Yaakov Margi and Bayit HaYehudi MK Moti Yogev appeared together on Knesset TV Sunday, 1 Rosh Chodesh Adar 5773.

Yogev spoke quietly and limited his words, often opting to respond “coalition talks are ongoing so I prefer not to address this at present.” He was asked why he thinks there have been so many comments challenging the religiously of his dati leumi party.

He explained that while he cannot say what led to these comments, “we remain committed to Toras Yisrael, Medinat Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael,” questioning why anyone would think the dati leumi party is not genuinely religious.

Margi explained the opposition stems from the share the burden issue, adding “We are no less committed to the people and land of Israel. Too many simply don’t learn from history. Look what happened to Tommy Lapid’s party, which earned 15 seats only to vanish in the next election. The share the burden plan of Yair Lapid is not the version most Bayit Yehudi voters want to see. You should study history and learn from it. Between our Shas and Yahadut Hatorah’s 18 chareidi seats and Bayit Yehudi’s 12, he feels there is a sufficient numbers coming forward to the join the coalition.

Yogev remained silent, opting to use the “we are in negotiations” line rather than comment. He did state that his party would like to see as large and as stable a coalition as the situation permits.

Regarding the share the burden and Margi’s comments, Yogev, who reached the rank of colonel before retiring from the IDF stated that he agrees with Minister Margi that the public has spoken out, adding the electorate is made up of people from all streams of life and an effort towards uniting the various sectors would be the way to go.

“I don’t dare teach the chareidi rabbonim or the dati leumi rabbonim too for that matter. I have no doubt that we live here today as a result of the miracle that occurred in 1948, HKBH’s intervention, but we mustn’t rely on miracles today and we must study Torah and serve.”

Yogev added the change that must occur must also include yeshivos affiliated with the dati leumi tzibur, and they too must have larger enlistment numbers he feels.


IS this acceptable to you (looking at Margi)?

The Shas official explained “Moti Yogev lives in his world and me mine.” He added that by profession, Yogev is a military man, pointing out it is most unfortunate failed to act, leading to the disqualification of the Tal Law and today’s situation. He feels however that the criticism of Shas and the chareidim is unwarranted, explaining he was involved in the Nachal Chareidi program, which Shas supports, stating “We must identify the need based on the various parties involved, including the IDF.” Margi said that he personally met with the IDF chief of staff during the past year but he is not at liberty to disclose the conversation since it was a personal meeting, however he states authoritatively that IDF does not requiures all of the chareidim.

The moderator and Yogev then reminded Margi of the national service program.

Margi stated “Lapid has announced his position and refuses to budge. This is not the way to go if we hope to reach agreement.”

Yogev added that the nation requires the spiritual strength along with the physical strength and it appears the disagreement surrounds the numbers.


Can this gap that exists between the dati leumi and the chareidim be bridged?

MK Yogev feels all involved parties must realize the need to compromise towards establishing a large coalition. He feels the threats facing Israel today demand a large coalition government as many critical decisions will have to be made. He concluded by saying “Perhaps Bayit Yehudi is the most natural coalition partner towards accomplishing this”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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