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A Coalition of 68, Including 20 Ministers

bibAs the 14-day extension mandate to form a government is days away from expiring, reports and media leaks from the coalition negotiations signal Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has given in to Yair Lapid and the new cabinet will include only 20 ministers. The prime minister however remains firm and is not showing any flexibility despite persistent demands from the Yesh Atid leader surrounding the Education Ministry post. Lapid wants the post in addition to the Interior Minister, hoping to place party MK Rabbi Shai Piron in the position of minister of education. The prime minister however reminds Lapid that Likud/Beitenu announced before the election that is was holding on to the education minister post, which he plans to give to Gideon Saar for a second term. The issue of the education minister is deadlocked at present.

As a result of the reduced cabinet it appears that Kadima will not be a member of the coalition for the prime minister does not see the value in giving Shaul Mofaz a cabinet post to earn a mere two seats. Therefore, the new coalition will number 68, not 70 as it appears Kadima is heading for opposition. Another possibility is Yesh Atid relinquishing one of its cabinet slots for Kadima, but in this case, Yair Lapid and the prime minister are in total agreement and such a move is not happening for the gain from Lapid’s perspective does not justify giving one of its cabinet slots to Mofaz.

The 20 ministers does not include the prime minister but it includes Avigdor Lieberman as foreign minister, so in actuality, there will be 21 ministers but Lieberman cannot accept the post unless he is acquitted in his ongoing fraud trial. The foreign minister slot will officially be held by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Naftali Bennett will fill the day-to-day role regarding the need to represent Israel in the international community pending the outcome of Lieberman’s trial.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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