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Evicted Tzfas Family of 13 Living on the Street

evicRav Yosef Shvavo of Tzfas’ Old City was evicted from his home and the family of 13 is now living in the street, literally. According to the Channel 2 News report on Tuesday night the eve of 2 Nissan 5773, the Justice Minister ombudsmen petitioned the court for the eviction order.

This story begins over three decades when the rav decided to expand their 1.5 bedroom apartment to the adjacent property. The property in question is state controlled after the state ombudsman took control of the land after its previous owner vanished. This is the land upon which Rabbi Shvavo expanded his home.

In 2010 the government petitioned the court seeking back rent on the land upon which the family expanded its home, seeking an eviction order if the said amount was not paid. The hearings were held and the sides agreed to the sum of 8,000 NIS, a onetime payment for back rent and a monthly amount of 800 NIS for the future.

The state explains that efforts to reach agreement with the family regarding the back rent have failed and this compelled the action towards evicting the family. Rabbi Shvavo told the news that for now; he is in HKBH’s hands with no money or living alternative.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. This is a strange story. First, why did the government wait so long to bring the lawsuit seeking back rent? Second, why did this “rav” choose to put his children on the street rather than paying the 8000 NIS amount he agreed to? Is there some reason why he reneged on the agreement and prefers to live on the street?

  2. sounds cruel, but upon investigation, the Rav (?) sounds weird, not to take a small settlement for the sake of his family is stupid. Is the Rav on drugs?
    The settlement is by Israeli standards small and easy to pay and if he does have 13 children he easily could have raised the money.

    I doubt if this ‘Rav’ is all there. My condolences to the family for having a father like this.

  3. You’ve never had a situation where you agreed to pay something but suddenly realized or perhaps something came up that you simply couldn’t put that money down? The israeli govt does not care if its people are homeless. This is not the first or last time we’ve seen this. This is not a medinas shel chessed like some other western countries. Although I pay my taxes, vote and do what i need to as a citizen; I still believe and see it with my eyes, the only way to live in peace in this holy land yet disfunctional govt. is to not rely on them for anything. The only thing you can rely on them for; is to knock on your door for all sorts of taxes. Trust me, I can prove every word I write here. The story with this family is as simple as it sounds. there’s no normal welfare for non military frum families. prices in all areas are becoming outrages. The income of most families are half of their monthly expenses. any more questions?

  4. GEULA, come to New York and see if you can exist any differently!!!
    No rent, violate zoning laws, inhabit State property and see what the consequences are.

  5. geula-“This is not a medinas shel chessed like some other western countries.” Before spouting lashon hara I suppose that in the US and canada there were never families thrown onto the street for lack of payment?B)Nobody is forcing his kids onto the street If Chasvishalom I was ever in such a situation I would divvy up kids by friends neighbors relatives even kind strangers. After Hurricane Sandy where dozens of people lost their homes this how they managed the community took them in until the situation resolved.
    If the article is true(which is our only basis for the story) then even Halachihcally the state might be right.Yes it is upsetting that a family is on the street and perhaps this person really does not have the money, but if someone owed you a large sum of money (I don’t think you would make someone homeless)it would be your right to pursue it and the person would be forced by Halachic and secular law to pay you back by all means necessary even if that meant putting a lien against their income.
    Unfortunately this person should not have banked on squatters rights and built upon property which was not his

  6. TO Mr. Gadolhadorah
    you write “why did this “rav” choose to put his children on the street”

    did you read in the article “Rabbi Shvavo told the news that for now; he is in HKBH’s hands with no money or living alternative.”

    why are you just complaining why don’t you instead give him a helping hand? put your money where your mouth is and send him the 8000 nis so he and his family can go back to there home. Don’t delay one minute but do it right now because this is piku’ach nefesh to have small children live on the street.

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