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Gerrer Rebbe on the Emergency US Kenos

gurThe Gerrer Rebbe Shlita on Tuesday 20 Iyar 5773 moved to a vacation venue in Tzfas, where it is reported he will remain for about two weeks. That being the case, it would appear that if leading admorim from Eretz Yisrael travel to North America for an urgent kenos, the rebbe will not be counted among them.

YWN-ISRAEL reported that the Sanzer, Boyaner, Vishnitzer and possibly the Belzer Rebbes Shlita may be traveling to the United States for an emergency kenos to address the planned induction of bnei yeshivos into the IDF.

It is not know if the Agudas Yisrael askanim working to bring the admorim to the United States are continuing with the effort, that now appears to not include the Gerre Rebbe.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. The Gerrer Rebbe will definitely comee.

    In today’s wars, with all explosion capabilities, mines and Chemical weaponry, it is Mammash Pekuach Nefesh, for a Heimishe Bochur to fight in the army.

  2. In today’s wars, with all explosion capabilities, mines and Chemical weaponry, it is Mammash Pekuach Nefesh, for a Heimishe Bochur to sit in the Beis hamedrash and learn.

  3. These protests are a chilul hashem and not kavod hashem… they will bring a larger split in am yisrael.
    if one opts to live in a country they need to live by the rules..if they dont want to live by the rules leave!-
    we need torah and army -the army is giving us that option…they are even allowing thousands to get exclusions for learning..however there are thousands and thousands of boys who use yeshiva as an excuse and the roshei yeshiva stand behind them because they dont want them cotributing to the country.. these boys need to be like everyone else and do army or national service.. making a protest in manhattan will accomplish zero other than a chilul hashem

  4. I have said it before, say it agin now, and dare any Chassidim to prove me wrong. The Chofets Chaim brings down a Gemorrah that says the reason why achav hamelech who was a rosha and oved avodah zorah won wars while Shaul hamelech who was a great tzaddik lost wars was that in the time of Achav there was SHOLOM in the world, while in the time of Shaul there was machlokes. Three of the biggest chassidishe courts have split to two sides because every son/son in law/brother/brother in law/uncle nephew….etc of the former rebbe has to have kovod and become rebbe himself and not talking to his brother/brother in law/ uncle nephew etc… thus splitting Chassidim of the same court into two and sometimes three camps and casing major machlokes in the process

  5. RamatShilo, they were there before the Zionists. They live in Eretz Yisrael, which the Zionists decided to remake in their image. There is no justification for the Zionists interfering with their lives and, specifically, their faith.

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