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Senior IDF Officer Pushes his Left-Wing Agenda

niMajor-General Nitzan Alon is the IDF’s Central District Commander. He is responsible for all of Yehuda and Shomron. To say he is not a supporter of the yishuvim would be a mild understatement. The senior commander does not an effort to hide his disdain for the settlement leadership.

Alon warns that failure to restart the diplomatic process between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority) may lead to an escalation in violence and attacks throughout Yehuda and Shomron. Alon made his remarks on Tuesday, 10 Tammuz 5773, addressing members of the foreign press corps, days ahead of the arrival of US Secretary of State John Kerry, who will hold anointer round of shuttle diplomacy between Jerusalem and Ramallah. Alon’s remarks angered settlement leaders, who reject a senior military officer using his high-ranking position to push a private political agenda.

Nitzan has been serving in his current command post since March 2012.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The facts reported in this article do not support the assertion that General Alon is not a supporter of the yishuvim. First of all, he’s serving in the army, in a tough job, in a dangerous region. That is support for the yishuvim, no matter how he winds, or doesn’t wind, his tefillin.

    Second of all, he warned of increased risk of violence unless some peace talks are resumed. It’s part of his job to assess risks of violence, and if he’s a general in the IDF, he’s probably good at it. If his remarks anger settlement leaders, they have to explain why he is wrong, not accuse him of pushing a private political agenda.

    Maybe General Alon is pushing a private agenda, or maybe his risk assessment is wrong, but this article does not report any facts in support of those possibilities. It might even be reasonable to infer, from the lack of factual support for the allegations against General Alon, that YWN’s Jerusalem desk is, hmmmmmm, pushing a private political agenda.

  2. #1 there a war going on with secular Jews trying to keep control
    Yes even in the army. But more and more religious Jews are going in and that threatens them. His statements are in fact what they are and as such leads to one conclusion. That he is anti religious and settlements nothing else

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