MAILBAG: Stand Up To The Anti-Vaxxers; Let Your Voice Be Heard

As has been covered extensively on YWN, the Frum world is on the midst of a measles outbreak unprecedented in recent times. This is due to a small minority of people who refuse to vaccinate themselves and their children, putting their own families and those around them at risk of catching one of the most contagious diseases known to man.

Now to make matters even worse, a “Rabbi” Hillel Handler has begun organizing anti-vaxxers events, first in Monsey and now in Brooklyn, inviting various crazy conspiracy theorists to spread their poison to the naive and uninformed in our community. Handler is pretty crazy himself, being a member of Neturei Karta and defending pedophiles.

A quick search on determines that the only Hillel Handler who lives in New York resides in Boro Park, and reveals the following contact info:

956 45th ST # 1
Brooklyn, NY 11219
[email protected]
[email protected]

It is imperative that we, the all too often silent majority, let our voices be heard. Please reach out to Mr. Handler and let him know that you do not appreciate the dangerous effects that he is having on our community.

Shmuel Boruch Stern – Brooklyn

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


[GEDOLIM LETTERS ON VACCINATION: Dr. Rich Roberts Publishes 192,000 Copies Of Massive Brochure In English & Yiddish]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. This man should be given a medal, not be hounded by the ignorant masses. Hashem should give him the koach to carry on his lifesaving work.

  2. And what if it’s a wrong guy?
    This whole thing makes me feel like it’s “color war” again.
    Which ever team screams loudest – get’s more points.
    I feel like going to Ateres Chynka just to get a piece of action!
    Which Rov/Godol did Shmuel Boruch Stern ask to go ahead with this wild goose chase?

  3. lets be outside of chynka tonite and stare the ANTI VAX meshugoyim straight in the face I WILL BE THERE JOIN ME!!!

  4. Very nice. Now he is directly will discuss this issues with people via e-mail and send them information and materials about his point of view . Please ,Yeshiva Word, You will not change any one mind about the subject by run negative information . Only to civil discussion between professionals may prevail, so why not host one ? Let put all information on the table with facts. I just wander – it so silly and dangerous to run a such Ads …

  5. You crack me up. I actually know handler personally and here are some facts:
    1. he is NOT behind this event, he was invited by UJCC to speak
    2. He is NOT a neturei karta, or pedaphile
    He is a 78 year old guy who likes to help the tzibbur with issues, he actively fought the ban on metzitza bpeh and chinuch issues they want to mandate in yeshivas.
    3> he is not getting paid by anyone to do this, just talking to the olam about what????
    do YOU even know what he will talk about tonight? how are you so sure he will be spreading conspiracy?
    4. Measles is one of the most contagious diseases, yet NOT deathly. .001% death rate. CHILL!!!!

  6. Be nice

    The sole reason the death rate is so low is BECAUSE most of us vaccinate. When vaccines were not around many tears ago, the death rate was VERY high.

    You might want to check your facts about the death rate from measles before you let loose from your mouth.

    If the Rabbonim say to vaccinate, how DARE you say no!
    Why is this different from the smartphone that the Rabbonim forbid??
    If you pick and choose what message to listen from our Rabbis, our children will make their own choices (R”L) as well!!

  7. It is clearly unacceptable to post anything related to talking about another fellow Jew.
    I am sure there is not a single Rav that would allow that. That aside,
    My comments will be left unsaid until the scientists will finally come out with the truth that vaccines are creating the biggest epidemic worldwide. For now parents have to choose between a measles “epidemic” and an auto-immune disease epidemic. It doesn’t take anyone too smart to know that vaccines that are meant to create an auto-immune response is highly possible to create other issues with the immune system… since the correlation of the two is too clear there is better science waiting to happen. Kodus to the honest scientists coming forward!!
    My comments wont be needed when people will start to admit that asthma, autism, cancer, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, and many more illnesses is just a direct reaction to the vaccines. Unless for some reason anyone still feels measles are worse than all illnesses mentioned.

  8. Regardless of difference of opinion, to publicize someone’s private home address is reckless and irresponsible! Do you want some nut-job to go and harm him, his family, or his property?! How does this differ from Al Sharpton picketing/protesting outside Freddy’s Fashion Mart in Harlem and then leaving it to Roland James to finish the job??? YWN is in essence inciting violence against fellow Frum Yidden. Why don’t you post the exact address of YWN headquarters?
    I am not an anti vaxxer. All my kids are vaccinated B”H. I am against government intrusion however.

    Moderators Note: The anti-vaxxers have been harassing , threatening, stalking and other types of sick behavior against doctors, organizers, health professionals and other vocal critics of the anti-vaxxers for MONTHS. Not to worry. expect a big expose, videos, audio recording, intimidation, DEATH THREATS, police reports, restraining orders and other goodies to be published in the near future.

  9. The NYT reported on the May 2019 anti-vax conference in Monsey, with Hillel Handler allegedly the only speaker who appeared as a religious Jew, claiming he is 77 years old, Satmar (but “which” Satmar it does not say) in Brooklyn. To quote:

    > “We Hasidim have been chosen as the target,” said the rabbi, Hillel Handler. “The campaign against us has been successful.”

    And the lovely line:

    > Organized by a Monsey-based Jewish group, the event also showed how the movement was gaining ground: Greg Mitchell, a Washington-based lobbyist who represents the Church of Scientology, attended the meeting and addressed the crowd, offering to be their “voice in the public-policy game.”

  10. Nothing will stop pro baby poisoners from saying any lie and attacking someone and never actually trying to counter any point the man actually said.
    I spoke with his son about him being a member of nature karta and he said that it is an out and out lie.he has no affiliation with them whatsoever, all he did was speak at a demonstration when Israel was digging up graves of Jews to build things there.
    And please tell me Sir of one pedophile that R’ Handler has defended!!??
    The one who wrote this should be ashamed of himself and should ask a public machila from R Handler

    Moderators Note: Handler has defended Judge Roy Moore (of course is the name of rav Avigdor Miller zatzal):

  11. Mr. Handler is the one who needs to ask mechila from klal yisroel and the RBS”O for all the evil he has perpetrated. The antivaxxer avoda Zarah religion is getting worse and worse. Now there are absolutely NO verifiable facts that come out of them. It’s becoming more and more ignorant. But that’s the nature of cultists-just drink the koolaid. What rishus! Let’s make sure we continue to keep them out of our schools, Shuls, camps, etc. so that we don’t become contaminated by their infections, their ignorance or their apikorsus.

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