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Ichud Hatzalah: ‘Don’t Leave me Alone in the Car for Even a Moment’

cFollowing the two recent cases in which infants died after being forgotten in vehicles, in Shilo and Dolev, Ichud (United) Hatzalah has undertaken a campaign which the EMS organization hopes will save lives.

Ichud’s over 2,000 nationwide volunteers will be distributing stickers that say “Don’t leave me along in the car, even for a minute” in the hope of getting the message out.

The stickers are made of special materials to retard fading in the strong Mideast summer sun. Volunteers are asking drivers to affix the sticker on the driver’s window as a reminder. The stickers were printed in four languages; Hebrew, English, Arabic and Russian.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. mothers (and fathers) should get in the habit of keeping their purse or briefcase in the back next to the baby. also, a picture of your baby on your steering wheel is a good idea.

  2. Usually, it’s not a parent leaving a child unattended, but a father who is not used to taking the infant in his car or absent-minded person, who goes to work without checking the back of the vehicle. If you ask someone — even a spouse — to transport a child, have them call when they arrive or call to check up on the driver. These people probably forget their briefcases and purses too.

  3. I keep the baby and salkal in the front passenger seat. It’s hard to forget when the baby is always next to you. + it keeps the baby cooler with the aircon.

  4. An idea would be to have a carbon dioxide sensor installed in the car or similar which would be connected by bluetooth to your keychain. When the keys are out of range and the sensor detects carbon dioxide it should automatically open the car windows or ring your ph or similar.
    Now if someone out there can make this thief proof …. Remember me when giving out your maaser.

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