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Giving Additional Responsibility to Hospital Sheirut Leumi Volunteers

healthA Health Ministry panel has decided that in order to meet the need for additional adjunct personnel, men and women assigned to Israeli hospitals in the framework of sheirut leumi will be trained for tasks that will remove some of the responsibilities from other healthcare professions. Such tasks will include drawing blood, taking blood pressure, and administering an EKG. The sheirut leumi personnel will be placed into courses to teach them the skills in addition to courses instructing them in maintaining proper hygiene, protecting patient confidentiality and other related skills and issues.

Ministry officials are confident the additional training for the volunteers will provide a welcome boost to the current hospital manpower towards ultimately providing quality patient care.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. This supports an argument sometime heard that volunteer service programs cause unemployment, and it would be better to drop them and to hire real permanent workers.

    If this is a program to train people for that profession, it should be labelled as such.

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