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Snowden Reporter: Won’t Be Silenced by Detention

snoThe American journalist who has published stories based on leaked documents from former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden says he’s going to be much more “aggressive” about printing stories now.

That statement from journalist Glenn Greenwald comes after English authorities detained his partner under anti-terror legislation for nearly nine hours at Heathrow Airport in London.

Greenwald’s partner, David Miranda, arrived back in Rio de Janeiro on Monday, where the pair live together.

Greenwald says he’s going “to write much more aggressively than before, I’m going to publish many more documents than before.”

He added: “I’m going to publish many more things about England, as well. I have many documents about the system of espionage of England, and now my focus will be there, too. “


4 Responses

  1. Snowden shouldn’t be so sure about himself. The Americans (or perhaps? even those little Brits) will finish him off even in his hideout in Russia before he’ll be able to publish anything more.

  2. Snowden is a hero. He speaks for FREE people.
    When the GOV commits a crime if a citizen stands by and says nothing he is an accomplice to the crime, just like a NAZI soldier JUST following orders.

    It is illegal for the GOV to spy on it’s citizens and for some reason most of you posting comments are brainwashed trained monkeys who think Snowden is your enemy because the media says he is a BAD guy. YOUR GOV and MEDIA are the bad guys.
    Snowden is the GOOD guy. He risked his life for YOUR freedom. WAKE UP!!! Make Aliya!

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