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Search for Chareidi Man Who Attacked a Policeman on Erev Shabbos

mishtJerusalem police on Shabbos looked for a chareidi man who assaulted an officer who arrived at his home. Police were responding to a domestic violence call. The call came in on erev Shabbos afternoon 17 Elul 5773 in the Sanhedria of the city.

A policeman and woman responded to the call of domestic violence and after evaluating the situation, they decided to place the husband under arrest. After police told the husband that they were taking him in for questioning, he rammed them and fled.

Police were stationed near the family home over Shabbos for authorities feared the husband might return and retaliate against the family. The search for the suspect continued over Shabbos as well.

Police on motzei Shabbos reported the man is still at large and the search was going to continue until he was apprehended.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. To No. 1: Do you live in a dreamworld? just do a simple search of police records for the number of domestic violence cases in chareidi neighborhoods in Yerushalayim, BB and other nearby districts. Sadly, domestic abuse and violence have been growing among the chareidi tzibur or perhaps more cases are now being reported to the authorities as more women and family members there is no issue of mesirah when a woman or child is at risk of injury from the father. Either way, don’t make such a stupid comment that because he is chareidi, the suspect in this case could not have engaged in physical violence against his family.

  2. This article in fact does not accurately describe the events, and one would hope people would reserve judgment as we head into Rosh Hashana to stand before the Kisei Hakavod to be judged ourselves. Nowhere here does it say he hit his wife, by the way, and until you G-d forbid have your life turned upside down by trouble with a teenager, you can never understand what Gehinnom this family is going through. The police officer was trying to force the man into the police car ON SHABBOS (not on erev Shabbos as stated in the article) and the man therefore resisted arrest. May we all judge and be judged for the good, and may this family and all of Klal Yisroel see yeshuos.

  3. There is no excuse for forcibly resisting arrest from a poice officer, whether on shabbos, eruv shabbos or motzi shabbos. He should have resisted peacefully by simply slumping down and letting them cary him if they were intent on an arrest. And they wouldn’t have been trying to arrest him unless he had committed some offense by engaging in domestic abuse of some sort.

  4. “Gadolhadorah” writes: “they wouldn’t have been trying to arrest him unless he had committed some offense by engaging in domestic abuse of some sort.”

    Ah, of course, he is guilty without trial in your eyes, because the police have never in the history of mankind arrested an innocent person, right? I agree that he would have been far wiser to resist passively (although a recent arrestee here who lay passively while being arrested was repeatedly Tasered by Israel’s finest), but sometimes wisdom escapes a person who is in the middle of trauma. I’m just saying it is wrong to judge and find guilty when you do not know the facts.

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