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Rishon L’Tzion Rav Yitzchak Yosef to Continue Rav Ovadia’s Shiurim

yyoRishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita is going to assume the responsibility for continuing the shiurim given by his late father, Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L.

As was the case during the period leading to the petira of the gadol hador, son Rav Yitzchak will continue giving many of the shiurim that were given by the rav on a regular basis when his health permitted. It appears the decision has been made that the shul in Maran’s building, 45 Kablan Street in the Har Nof neighborhood of Yerushalayim will continue with daily minyanim and the shiur yomi. Rav Yitzchak is also expected to continue the rav’s famous motzei Shabbos shiur, which is transmitted around the world via satellite broadcast.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. A really nice person would translate his shiurim into English for us. After all if you are really interested in people knowing about how great Rav Yosef was then why not translate? You could put the translation in the CoffeeRoom area etc.

  2. B”H. I hope Rav Yitzchok shlit”a gives the shiur with the same “bren” as his father zt”l, and remains unafraid of ruffling feathers with hard truths that hurt politically correct ears.

  3. Hebrew is not the language of our people. Anything but. Although his intentions to create a language were good, it was a horrible failure. Ladino, Yiddish and Aramaic, if anything are the languages of our people. Although I agree with you that one should learn Hebrew for it helps in learning sacred texts, many Hebrew words are exactly the opposite of what they mean in Tanach.

  4. Yiddish is a slowly dying language…most residents of EY will speak Hebrew and/or English within a few generations. Chareidi youngsters are already becoming aware of how limited their horizons will be without fluency in Hebrew (if they live in EY) or English (if they live in one of the NY/NJ yiddesh “ghettos”).

  5. Oh, you poor misled souls. All of Gedolei Sepharad considered Hebrew the same thing as Lashon HaKodesh. Stop being so petty, stop pretending you’re Chareidim of the Old Yishuv, get off your fancy phones and out of your plush American homes and realize that whether you like it or not, Am Yisrael is a few steps ahead of you in its revival as Am Hashem.

  6. Hebrew is a goyishe language founded by a Jewish Torah-hating anti-semite named Ben Yehuda who, together with the zionists that promoted that non-Jewish language, wished to eradicate any semblance of Torah Judaism.

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