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Christie: GOP Should ‘Show Up’ for Minority Votes

chrNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says his Republican Party needs to “show up” in places that aren’t traditional GOP strongholds such as Hispanic and black communities if it wants to expand its reach.

Christie was appearing on four Sunday news shows as speculation runs high about whether he will run for president in 2016.

He won re-election Tuesday by a 22-percentage point win and better-than-average showings among minorities.

Some in the GOP are looking to his strategy as one that could give Republicans their first presidential victory since the 2004 election.

Exit polls say Christie won 50 percent of Hispanic votes and 21 percent of black votes.

Christie tells NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Republicans should explain to minority neighborhoods why GOP policies are better.


7 Responses

  1. Many Hispanics, particularly Mexicans and Central Americans (who came to America with the knowledge they would be ineligible to receive welfare, who mostly settled in state’s that are tightwads with public assistance), are natural conservatives. They are entreprenurial, hard working, religious and family oriented. All the Republicans have to do is to welcome them.

    While many African Americans have become very accustomed (as have many Orthodox Jews) to government benefits, a distinct minority are social conservatives, and while it’s unlikely to return to the situation that existed prior to 1960 where most Blacks were loyal Republicans, there’s no reason the Republicans can’t reduce the margin by appealing to those Blacks who do favor being part of the private section (which include many Black immigrants who are more like other immigrants than the African Americans whose ancestors were slaves).

  2. Here is a liberal Obama supporter telling the GOP how to get voters.
    As long as the Republicans eschew the advice of conservatives and listen to the liberals, they will keep losing power and influence and the Democrats will keep gaining in every area.

  3. In order to get a decent fraction of the votes of ethnic minorities, the Republican Party must purge itself of racists and nativists — and to get out of the denial regarding the fact that many of its policies, such as its support for voter suppression laws and opposition to immigration reform are designed to cater to that voting bloc.

  4. Chrisie is hardly a liberal. He’s a fiscal and social conservative (i.e. for frugality in public finance, pro-life, and skeptical about gay rights).

    A RINO is a Rockefeller Republican who favors tax and spend, abortion and argues that gays are entitled to be treated as an oppressed minority (as opposed to the Libertarian view that people have a right to be as perverse as they want in the privacy of their homes).

    The only thing RINO-ish about Christie is that he wasn’t rude to President Obama. Being rude (something the Democrats are just as good at as many Republicans – note how they acted to President Bush) hurts politicians.

    The Republicans needs to dump nativists (who are just as likely to be Democrats as Republicans, arguing the immigration reduces employment – a position supported by the “progressive” unions as well as nutty radio show hosts). Remember that Wall Street Republicans also favor immigration liberalization (the better to hire household help – something far more common among the liberal Democrats than the Tea Party or Sam’s Club Republicans ).

    Issues such as demanding voter ID (no big deal since you can’t open a bank account or travel intercity without ID) to stop dead people from voting – a Democratic tradition – aren’t a problem.

  5. Lets see any solid proof (not just opinion) that there is any actual racism against Blacks or agsinst Hispanics among Republicans.

    That is another false charge.

    What is a “nativist”?
    You mean someone who believes a country has the right to protect its borders?

    Show me one country that does NOT believe they have that right regarding their own borders.

    Anyone who thinks that making sure a voter is an actual citizen and thus has the right to vote, is somehow “evil”, is someone who wants to see that country destroyed.
    Because you cannot have free elections if the rest of thr world including your country’s enemies can send in armies of frauds to vote against the country’s interests.

    Try doing that in France or Spain or Mexico or England and see how far you get or if get thrown in prison for trying.

  6. Christie hates Tea Partiers.
    That all by itself would make him a liberal even if he were not liberal on any other issue.

    But the fact is he is liberal on other issues such as being against offshore drilling and he supports taxpayer funding of tuition for illegal aliens and
    says that homosexuals are “born that way” so according to him nothing they do is “a sin”.
    Even though he still opposes them ‘marrying’ each other, to support their
    sinful acts and pretend it’s just fine, is quite liberal.

    He is liberal on some other issues as well, but all he needs is to be liberal on one thing to take himself out of those who are properly and accurately called conservatives.

  7. A nativist is someone who believes that if your roots in America don’t reach to the 18th century or earlier, you are a new immigrant. A nativist sees America primarily as a Protestant country of Western European origins. They don’t like us. The reason they dislike Hispanics is because they are perceived as changing America from a nation based on British culture to a more cosmopolitan one.

    Note that nativists don’t object to illegal immigrants who come from Canada or Britain or frankly other places if they happen to be rich, white and cultural Euro-American. We have no need to “protect” our borders against people coming here to work for a living and build up our country.

    A contrary position points out that for the last 500 years (since we started stealing this land from the Indians), the commonality linking all immigrants (most African Americans excluded), was the desire for freedom, opportunity, and to build your own life without your betters telling you what to do. That’s just as true of the those on the Mayflowers as of wetback today.

    Note that most “nativists” consider all Jews, even those who came in the 17th century, to be a foreign un-American element. The fact is most Americans are descended from the post-revolution waves of immigrations, and most Americans are other than “WASP” – and anyone who tolerates nativist sentiment is doomed politically.

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