On First Day In Office, Mayor de Blasio Wakes Up Before The ‘Netz’ (Sunrise)


Newly inaugurated Mayor Bill de Blasio has shocked New York City politicos and the press corps Thursday morning, as he managed to get up before the Netz Hachama (sunrise) on his first working day in the office of Mayor of New York City.

Daily News photographer Anthony DelMundo captured the image above of Mayor de Blasio as he exited his home in Brooklyn at 6:53 am.

Mayor de Blasio will swear in NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton at noon. But he’s most probably going to clock in early to work as he will have to oversee major decisions about how the city faces the projected snow Blizzard due to hit the City later today.

Update 08:55am: Mayor de Blasio just arrived at City Hall for his first real day on the job, NY1’s Grace Rauh tweeted.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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