TGI Poll on Media Exposure in Israel

YediotA TGI poll measuring the exposure of the written media and radio stations in Israel reveals that Maariv continues to plunge while Galei Yisrael has nearly doubled its listening audience. Yediot Achronot and Yisrael Hayom are almost tied, while Maariv is a thing of the past.

According to the poll, during the second half of 2013 Maariv earned only 3.5% of the newspaper market, a 50% decline. Yisrael Hayom earned 36.9% and Yediot Achronot 38.6%. Yediot climbed from 36.9% in the last half of the year. The climb may be attributed to the fact that Yediot followed Yisrael Hayom’s lead, beginning to give the newspaper away for free and relaying on ad revenue. In some areas, Yediot is not free, but sells for a sharply reduced price. Maariv on the other hand continues selling for 5 NIS daily, perhaps the cause of its continued downfall.

The poll measuring the exposure of radio stations reveals Galei Yisrael has increased its listening audience by 44%, from 1.2% to 1.7% during the last half of 2013. Galei Yisrael is affiliated with the right-wing dati leumi camp, viewed by some as the replacement of Arutz-7 Radio.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. first the country is moving to the right, so there is little room for both maariv and yediot, second marriv is much more expensive that yediiot.

    you don’t need to be a novii to realize that maariv will lose out.

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