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Suspected Ramming Attack In J-m, Manhunt For Terrorists Continues

A 20-year-old Arab resident of East Jerusalem rammed his car into a police car near the German Colony neighborhood of Jerusalem early Tuesday afternoon.

B’Chasdei Hashem, no one was injured in the incident but the vehicle sustained damage. The Arab, who fled the scene, was arrested after a short chase and transferred for questioning.

Meanwhile, IDF forces are continuing the manhunt for the terrorists who carried out the attack in Huwara on Sunday, killing Hillel and Yigal Yaniv, h’yd, and the attack in the Jordan Valley on Monday evening, which killed US-Israeli citizen, Elan Ganales, h’yd.

Ganales’s family members are flying to Israel from Connecticut and his levaya is scheduled to take place in Ra’anana on Wednesday at 1 p.m. His relatives will return to the US to sit shiva.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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