The alarm sounds. A deafening explosion ricochets through the night. As the Kids of the Rocket Siren bunker down in their familyโs rocket shelter, each one can tell by the sound of the boom whether the projectile fell in a distant farmers field or on the house next door. The reality for the kids who live in Sderot, an Israeli town that neighbors the Gaza strip, is a constant reminder that they are in the midst of a deadly conflict. Kids of the rocket Siren melds verite, interviews and haunting archival to document the kids who have grown up with rocket shelters, sirens and deadly blasts; young persons who havenโt given up on peace, who cling to universal elements that can unify the starkest enemies.
Kids of the Rocket Siren- 2013 from Loud Roar Productions on Vimeo.
One Response
Obama says that it is ok for rockets to fall on Jew as long they don’t fall on the terrorist Arabs