Romney’s In Demand As Republicans’ Future Unclear

romnAlmost two years after his Election Day drubbing, Mitt Romney is the Republican man in demand.

The twice-defeated White House contender is campaigning across seven states this week, covering nearly 6,000 miles in five days to raise money and energy for Republican midterm candidates from Georgia to Colorado.

Romney has repeatedly insisted he’s not running for president again, and his closest aides laugh off a possible 2016 bid. But top GOP strategists and donors suggest his continued high profile in Republican politics highlights the party’s murky future and a crowded 2016 field that is both flawed and without a clear front-runner

“There’s a vacuum,” said John Jordan, a major Republican donor based in California. “When there’s 10 people in a possible presidential field, it’s difficult for anyone to look presidential. None of these figures is overly compelling.”

Just a month before the unofficial beginning of the next presidential primary season, Democrats have already begun to rally behind prospective candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. The race for the Republican nomination, however, is as wide open as most political veterans can remember.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie had begun to assume a party leadership role before a traffic scandal tainted his brand. Major questions persist about former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s commitment to the 2016 contest. And the rest of the potential field features conservatives, such as Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who have yet to demonstrate widespread appeal.

That leaves Romney as this season’s strongest draw for Republican midterm candidates battling for control of Congress.

He earned a rock star’s reception on Wednesday at The Varsity, a landmark Atlanta restaurant, where he campaigned alongside Attorney General Sam Olens after headlining a closed-door fundraiser for Senate candidate David Perdue.

Romney shook hands and autographed paper plates at The Varsity before ordering a hot dog and onion rings as diners snapped pictures.

In thanking Romney for making the trip, Olen said, “I wish you were on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.”

“I’m just sad I’m not able to be there either,” Romney said, responding to a reporter’s question about his interest in another run. “I’d like to be in the White House. I wish I would have had the chance.”

The appearance was one leg in an aggressive five-day campaign swing covering some of the nation’s premier midterm battlegrounds: Colorado, Virginia, Georgia, Oklahoma, Michigan, Kentucky and Louisiana. Having swapped his private campaign plane for commercial travel, Romney is working long days to attend private fundraisers and public rallies to help leading Republican governors, Senate candidates and former allies like Olens.

Talking to reporters Wednesday, Romney downplayed his role in a Republican Party that has “a whole series of different voices that are pulling in different directions.”

“My role is just as one more voice,” he said. “I was honored to become the Republican nominee, so I continue to have some voice. But I’m not running for anything — just trying to run to help people who are running for something, and I’m making my effort known in the states that welcome me.”

Thursday he headlines a GOP rally in Michigan before a Kentucky fundraiser to benefit Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. It’s the kind of schedule usually reserved for a political party’s elite, not a twice-defeated elder statesman who insists his political career is over.

“The wandering eyes for Romney are a byproduct of the uncertainty of the field,” said former Romney aide Kevin Madden, who described Romney as a “known commodity.”

Hogan Gidley, a South Carolina-based veteran of presidential politics, explained Romney’s appeal with a sports analogy.

“The most popular player on a football team is the backup quarterback when your team’s struggling,” Gidley said. “The party is struggling.”

Indeed, even as the GOP’s prospects this fall look good, polls suggest the party’s brand is unpopular. And Republican leaders have ignored recommendations to address key issues such as immigration legislation ahead of the next presidential contest.


One Response

  1. Yes, Mittens should run against Hillary for the DEMOCRAT nomination. Maybe even Chris Matthews will get excited. This Lefty is finished with the Republican Party.

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