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IDF Soldiers Detain Mashgiach Kashrus Along with PA Detainees

idf logoA mashgiach kashrus employed by the badatz of Rabbi Yosef Efrati Shlita was detained by IDF soldiers along with PA (Palestinian Authority) residents on Wednesday, 18 Kislev.

The mashgiach reported to his daily assignment, near the security barrier in an area near Kalkilye. He was detained and his personal effects confiscated by soldiers. He was blindfolded and his hands restrained before being transported to an IDF base where he was jailed for a number of hours with dozens of PA residents.

The mashgiach’s presence in that area is in coordination with the IDF as part of the badatz’s effort to supply ‘Yivul Nochri’ for those requesting non-Jewish produce during shmitah. The mashgiach watches the crossing from the PA area to make sure produce is not first taken from Israel to the PA and then sent back in a revolving door process and labeled ‘Yivul Nochri’ when it is not.

The mashgiach tried to show two soldiers in a jeep his ID card and explain who he is and what he is doing there but they were uninterested. He was taken into custody.

Needless to say Rav Efrati and his Vaad Shmitah were shocked upon hearing of the incident, especially since all necessary arrangements were made with IDF officials. Vaad Shmitah officials add if the IDF does not permit the continued operations of the mashgichim there, they will no longer be able to rely on that source of produce.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. It is very unlikely that this Rav was engaged in any type of inappropriate activity, although the IDF deserves credit for making the necessary inquiries.

  2. Dan L’Kav Zechut to the IDF soldiers. Highly unlikely that #1 or 2 ever served anything except kugel at a Kiddush. When the IDF does a good job, you clap your hands and say B”H but now that they are being extra cautious you want to smack the same men.
    It is a hard job having to deal with these subhuman primates considering what they are capable of doing.

    Just like these savages can steal or have made IDF uniforms, they too can buy easily in the religious sections or even from the scum Neturai Karta – frocks, large hats, the whole dress outfit and to make up payot doesn’t take a genius. Many of these savages already have beards so the IDF soldiers have to be careful as there have been found on these savages forged documents that look authentic. There is an old expression that goes, “better safe than sorry,” and Jewish lives are very precious and irreplaceable.
    “Yaapchik” do you ever figure that either of the soldiers that challenged this mashgiach might be religious and something looked fishy to him? Shameful that you made the comment without first putting all the numbers into the equation. Be more careful before you make a false accusation, because words once spoken or written are NOT retractable.

  3. This website seems to be obssessed with finding fault with the IDF. To my mind it stems from a deep psychological problem which is as follows:

    In order to continue justifying ones existence in Chutz laaretz, one needs to find fault with the modern state of Israel. So I say to you all now. The State of Israel is NOT perfect, The army is NOT perfect.
    But the Orthodox jews who remain in Chutz laaretz are part of the problem not the solution.

    Embrace your emunah and make Aliyah. G-d has literally created miracles in order for you to get here

    Redemption is a process which started with the Aliyah of the Beshts and the Vilna Gaons students. The Process is coming to an end so get on a plane already

  4. Oy! Allow me please to explain!
    It is shameful that this story had to happen! And happen the way it did! Totally unnecessary agravation for all involved! The Mashgiach should have been carrying credentials to avoid such occurences! Also, the IDF does not show compassion when they dump him in a holding cell along with PA arrestees. That you can certainly agree! All in all it was a situation that could have and should have not happened.
    To #5, your ahavas Yisrael exudes from your being with magnanimous proportion! And a suggestion if I may, read what #5 wrote about Dan L’kav Zechut!! WinkWink!
    And just for your future use, the word is L’kaff, not L’kav!
    Have a great Shabbos and come by for some Geshmaaker Oneg Shabbat, Mr. Esperitu Santo!
    You’re a wonderful person!

  5. AHHHHHH, another part of Israeli politics that Americans have no clue about! In Israel even Shmittah has complicated politics!, The biggest Rabbis in Israel, the Chief Rabbinate, give what is known as Heter Mechirah to Israeli growers, which started from the earliest Rabbinical Authorities in the State, such as Rav Kook, and many other top halachic Israeli Rabbinical Authorities, so that Israelis wouldn’t have to buy Arab produce. But of course, now certain factions do not want to hold buy Heter Mechirah and want to buy Arab produce. This is very complicated for the IDF and the State of Israel which actually does coordinate very closely with the Chief Rabbinate who do hold by Heter Mechirah. So when other factions come with other plans about Arab produce and why they would be in enemy territory, to participate in trade with the Palestinian enemy of Israel, who stab them with axes and knives while davening, then they have to expect some difficulties with the IDF who are trying to protect the population.

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