Ze’ev: I Thought Deri Would do Teshuvah in Jail but He Didn’t

nzeMK Nissim Ze’ev, who has been ousted from the Shas lineup in the 20th Knesset Elections, is not remaining quiet. Ze’ev, a founder of Shas, explains events and Deri’s climb up the political ladder. He added that unlike Eli Yishai, he was naïve and he did not preempt as Yishai did, who broke away before Deri could dump him in a last minute move.

Ze’ev adds that anyone in his position following 32 years of dedicated service, would be pained and insulted as he since he was dumped without warning and at the last movement, before he could move to another party ahead of elections. Ze’ev feels the way he was dealt with by Deri is an indicator of his disdain for him. “I asked Deri for a hearing but he refused to permit me an opportunity to present my case”.

“Even if one receives a 100 NIS summons he gets an opportunity to tell his case, but not me” added Ze’ev.

Ze’ev adds that “people run away from Deri” and “While the rabbonim know him, they cannot control him”.

“What he did to me can occur to anyone” exclaims Ze’ev, adding “He has a great deal of influence on the rabbonim and thinks he will be able to silence me, but he won’t”.

“He rides a cart speeding out of control. Everyone knows what the Rav said in the tapes is true. He did not start Shas and it is not his. He is not suited to head the party. His actions result in Chilul Hashem. Everyone is aware of the truth today, that Maran was hurt by him and that which we heard from the tapes was “Divrei Elokim Chaim” said following proper thought. There are some trying to cover it up. Shas is not Aryeh Deri but Shas is what it is despite Aryeh Deri” added Ze’ev.

He adds that one should not just another during his anger, stating “But I am not angry, truly not although I should be. I am pained after 32 years of paying as I built and paid with my blood as did others in the party. Now Deri is taking it apart and leading us to destruction”.

When asked to respond, Shas party officials stated “We do not judge one in his anger”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Why did Nissim Ze’ev not sound the alarm about Deri before he lost his position on the Shas list? I am not defending Deri by any means, but Ze’ev’s qwetch sounds like sour grapes.

    And the high official in Shas that compared Eli Yishai to Yeravam be Navat, he will also meet his end for slander in a public forum.

  2. Forgive my ignorance but is one allowed to talk loshon hora particlarly publically, like this.
    I have been through most of Chofetz Chaim over the years and have never found a heter for this.

    The biggest tragedy going on now is the lack of Achdus in Eretz Yisroel. besides the actual fact of it there is also such a lost opportunity in election time whereby as a cohesive group the chareidim could have had so much power. Just my thoughts….

  3. 3, ignorance indeed.

    This Deri guy is destroying Torah and making a very big Chilul Hashem. Being quiet just magnifies it.

    Yes, Zeev ideally should’ve spoken long ago, but Deri is a very scary guy, and it’s not easy…

  4. Deri, besides being devious and a rasha (as Rav Ovadia z”l stated clearly) is also loath to deal with people who have opinions that are not in keeping with his. Either agree or get out, and if not get pushed out according to dictator Deri.

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