Bush Says He’d Kill ‘Baby Hitler’ if He Could Travel in Time

jebPresidential candidate Jeb Bush says he once got an email asking if he would go back in time, if it were possible, and kill the baby Adolf Hitler.

“It said, ‘If you could go back in time and kill baby Hitler, would you? I need to know,'” Bush told a Huffington Post reporter on the Bush campaign bus in New Hampshire last week.

Bush’s answer, according to the video clip: “Hell, yeah, I would. Look, you gotta step up man.”

Bush wryly tweeted Monday: “Gotta do it,” referring to the Huffington Post item.

The typically dry-humored Bush, labeled by rival Donald Trump as “low energy,” has shown a more carefree side lately.

Bush has recently been publicizing his new book, “Reply All,” a collection of stories told through the emails he received as governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007.

Bush shared with reporters during the recent New Hampshire trip other odd emails he’d received, including one from a University of Wyoming email address asking Bush to help him find some toilet paper.

“Funny person,” Bush said, recalling the email.


15 Responses

  1. Typical DEMOCRAT nonsense. All these stupid questions of Bush, Carson, Trump, Rubio are planned by the Democrats in an attempt to throw the candidates off of their message. You NEVER have any questions asked of the Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton! The only tough “questions” are:
    1) What is your favorite restaurant in Manhattan?
    2) What do you like most about Fall in Chappaqua?
    3) Does your Granddaughter really like organic chocolate chip cookies?

  2. בן סורר ומורה is a גזירת הכתוב that gives בית דין an obligation to kill him based on what the Torah forsees. You need to fit the exact criteria for that מצוה to apply & then only in בית דין. Baby hitler didn’t fit the exact criteria therefore the comparison is not there.
    To akuperma yes hitler turned out to be stupid as he was crazy but I still don’t think a smarter person would’ve won the war & killed all the Jews. At a certain point he was faced with a choice to get either one & he stupidly chose the Jews.

  3. talmud student: But had the assasinations succeeded, the new Fuhrer might not have made the same mistakes, so the war might have ended with the Nazis in control of much of Europe.

    While it is politically correct for Germans and their allies to blame it all on Hitler and act as if the holocaust was solely his fault (and the poor Germans were merely led astray like sheep), the reality is the Germans elected Hitler knowing his platform on Jews, that they knew about the holocaust in sufficient detail to know it involved genocide, and that they were quite willing to obey orders to murder people. Killing Hitler as a baby wouldn’t have prevented the holocaust, and might have made it worse.

    Now if you want to play the “alternate history” game, how about have Germany win World War I (no Nazis though perhaps the French might have gone that way and blamed Jews for losing the war), the the German rather than the Anglo-American zionists shape the future of Eretz Yisrael (cf. the “language” war), which would have stayed Ottoman.

  4. Why is it that when a non-Jewish politician running for President of a majority non-Jewish country makes certain comments we have these discussions about whether what he said is Jewish? Of course it isn’t!! Come to Eretz Yisroel and demand that it’s politicians take a Jewish view on issues!

  5. according to an article i read in zman magazine . there were at least 40 known assasination attempts on hitler some of which he survived miraculously. if hashem wants to punish us you cant stop him .( except through teshuva and tefillah to nullify the decree)

  6. Not so obvious.
    You’d have to properly differentiate it from ben sorer u’moreh. You’d need to fully understand the seforos in both situations and THEN decide.
    He is very possibly correct, though not nec for the right reasons.

  7. 1. Time travelling (at least into the past) violates many laws of science. Its bad enough our current president ignores the constituition when he feels like it, but we really don’t need a president who ignores the laws of physics.

    2. There is a medrash to the effect that the reason Ha-Shem rescued “Baby Yismael” was that he was still an innocent little kid with free will, and one didn’t punish people based on what they or their descendants would do.

    3. Hitler proved to be a fool – so if someone else led the Third Reich you would have had a holocaust combined with a German victory in World War II (leaving the Nazis in power and in control of at least all of continental Europe and perhaps more).

  8. Not so simple.
    The mal’ach couldn’t understand how haShem could save yishmael with WATER if, many years later, HIS CHILDREN would cause Jews to die OF THIRST. The maharSh”aL says that this medrashim follows Rabbi Shimon, who felt that Yishmael himself had done nothing wrong. He was a tzaddik at the time. Middas haDin couldn’t prosecute HIM NOW with his GOOD ma’asim according to the EVIL OF HIS DESCENDANTS LATER. (Although according to the words of the MaharSh”aL, there is reason to vindicate your claim that, even if it had been his ma’asim, he may have been excused.)
    In any event, this is a pointless exercise. Just a vacuous claim from a desperate candidate….
    Let’s see who would take out Khomeini!

  9. Hey jeb, does that include all e3b babies w leadership potential who you can force to say something u want?(apparently) Just clarifying.
    And who’s in charge of implimenting the process, the western euro doctors & hospital staff or their remote controlled tokens?

    Maybe we forced you to say that jeb, to lose you the campaign using the same technology ur intel uses to force people against their will to commit crimes(etc) and arrest them.

    Did u happen to know who sent u the email or why? Or doesnt it matter
    Just throwing that statement out into the wind huh jeb

  10. Hashem didn’t kill ישמעאל because באשר הוא שם. Obviously killing baby hitler would be against the Torah even with 20/20 hindsight

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