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IFCJ Activates An Emergency Hotline At *9779 For The Elderly And Olim To Assist

015As fire rage in Israel the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) is prepared to assist via the Fellowship hotline that will be especially activated in long hours. The hotline is active in Hebrew, Russian and Arabic and is available sine yesterday (Thursday). It was also available today (Friday) and it was operating until Shabbos.

The Fellowship asks all Olim and elderly people in need of help, due to fire or for any other reason to contact the hotline at *9779 and assistance will be sent out by assigned volunteers. Olim in the Haifa area will receive a text message (SMS) to their cell phones with exact details of aid near them. Additionally, the Fellowship will provide vouchers to distribute to the elderly who evacuated their homes. Volunteers who would like to host in their house, can help transferring those in need or any other financial support can contact the Fellowship hotline as well.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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