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MK Forer’s Bill Seeks to Prevent Unannounced School Strikes

classMK (Yisrael Beitenu) Oded Forer explains that in light of the fact Jerusalem City Hall has now closed kindergartens and afternoon daycare programs in the expanding municipality strike, he views his bill as being of increased significance.

In his statement to the media, Forer stated “The rampage of local government that creates a strike in kindergartens, preschools and elementary schools, the current kindergarten strike in Jerusalem, illustrates how important it is to move on my bill that would prevent these strikes without a 72-hour warning despite the justified battle in the capital regarding the budget. We must not conduct the struggle on the backs of the parents and children”.

In the case of the current strike, Mayor Barkat did announce over a week ago that if the Finance Ministry does not approve an additional NIS 200 million in this year’s budget, a strike would be launched beginning Sunday morning 2 Shevat and this is what occurred.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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