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Livni Addresses Chareidi Discrimination

Opposition leader MK (Kadima) Tzipi spoke with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) radio host Razi Barkai on Wednesday morning, referring the Beis Yaakov Emanuel case and general political issues.

Livni spoke of the chareidi discrimination that exists in the Beis Yaakov, as well as regarding yeshiva funding versus university students; on buses; military service, Tal Law; and other areas.

Not all decision should be the result of legislation, compelled upon a community, but a portion of our democracy is the basic understanding that the court does indeed decide, and rulings must be adhered to by citizens.

Chareidim are citizens too, and as such, we cannot turn our heads and ignore what is taking place. The discrimination against women on buses, and this must be our problem too, not just theirs. Judaism does not permit this type of behavior.

Regarding the imprisonment of the parents we are dealing with the High Court of Justice, and if parents fail to comply with the ruling, they must face the consequences. The decision of the court must stand and be upheld.

Today this particular group explains it is unable to adhere to the court’s decision because it contradicts their rabbis. Tomorrow, it will be another group with other reasons. Yes, this is one step from anarchy. We must stand at the court’s side and I truly hope this will not become a choice between the High Court of Justice and the chareidim.

The solution is a democratic society that recognizes the rights of all, even the traditional Jews, not just the monopoly that exists today.

The topic of discussion now turns to the political arena:

Politically speaking the right-wing speaks with a strong voice, but has brought the state of Israel to a weak position in the international community, one demanding continued concessions and compromising our stand in the world community.

One cannot know if the situation will worsen as a result of the policies of the current administration.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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