Schumer Has Almost $24 Million in Campaign Cash

Sen. Charles Schumer raised $2.2 million for his re-election effort in the past three months, giving him nearly $24 million in cash in a race that is not expected to be competitive.

The figures are not surprising given Schumer’s well-earned reputation as a prodigious fundraiser. His last campaign in 2004 left him with about $10 million in leftover cash, which he carried over into this year’s campaign.

On Thursday, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand announced she had raised $2 million in the same three-month period, giving her $7.2 million in cash at the start of July.

In addition to his huge cash advantage, Schumer holds a commanding lead in the polls over two little-known GOP rivals, former CIA officer Gary Berntsen and political consultant Jay Townsend.

(Source: WSJ)

3 Responses

  1. I believe New York State is having both senators up for re-election. This is very unusual for any state since the system is set up that 33 of all 100 senators are up for re-election every 2 years. So the senators from each state are re-elected on different years. What can we do to be able to elect at least one Republican? Can the republicans not find one decent opposing candidate to put in a good fight?

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