Williamsburg Shomrim Apprehend Group Wanted For Stealing Rims & Tires

Early Sunday morning, Williamsburg Shomrim Safety Patrol (WSPU) were successful in the apprehension of two perpetrators wanted for stealing numerous rims & tires in the Williamsburg area in the last several weeks.

These perpetrators, usually a group of four, drove around in their vehicle and when they spotted a car with rims that they wanted (usually brand new cars or expensive ones) they would quickly jump out of the vehicle and screw off all four tires leaving the car on big cinder blocks. They were equipped with hydraulic tools and were so fast, giving the shomrim a hard time catching them.

But this time the Shomrim were a little quicker than they were and managed to catch them. This morning, as always Williamsburg Shomrim members were patrolling the streets of Williamsburg. At approximately 6:00AM one of the members spotted a suspicious vehicle occupied by four black males.

After following the vehicle for a few minutes, a member noticed two of the men get out of the car at South 10th St & Wythe Ave. and start screwing off two tires from a parked car. The Shomrim member grabbed his radio and called for backup. In seconds additional members were on the scene. Two of the perpetrators that were in the their car fled and left their two other partners behind. A shomrim member followed the vehicle but gave up when one of them simulated a gun while the other members gave chase of the two perpetrators on foot and caught them a few blocks away. They were held until the NYPD arrived and arrested them.

The Williamsburg community and the NYPD are very thankful for the Williamsburg Shomrim for the great job!

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. As a victim of this gang I would like to thanks to heroic WSPU-Shomrem members! Thank you very much for taking down this gangsters off the street. I hope they’ll not let them go so fast (they should hold them atleast so long as my police report took……) The 4 thief’s were doing this horrible thing for the past few weeks disappointing lots of Williamsburg’a residents. Finally they got 2. I hope they’ll get the other 2 as well.
    Thanks again for all the brave Shomrem members (especially W-50) for securing our neighborhood!!!

    A victim who was without his brand new tires.

  2. A little bit of security would be to buy a set of wheel locks which cost about 25.00 and up. These locks replace one lug nut on each wheel, they aren’t fool proof but it would stop someone from removing your wheels in just a few minutes.

  3. Hey mark, Thats a real intelligent way to get your point across. It really demands respect and shows how open minded you are. You should express your opinion in a more public forum I really believe it could be a hit. get a clue brother

  4. Mark, I hope to watch it…

    Chaimy, it takes them 30 seconds longer to take down your tires with that lock! But its still recommended.

    And as a victim I would also like to thank (also in the names of other victims with whom I was in touch) W-56 & W-63 (& W-69 & W-179) for their great help! Keep up your great holy work!

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