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An Appeal For Kiddush Hashem This Summer

Dear readers,

I would like to inform those that vacation in the Catskills of the “Summer 2011 appeal”.

This is not an appeal for a family, a specific person, or organization but rather a cause. That cause is Kiddush Hashem.

Many people do not realize that for 10 months a year the Catskill Mountains is a quiet peaceful and clean environment. Traffic jams are unheard of and the roadways are clear of pedestrians. Long lines in stores are virtually non-existent.

Then comes memorial day and the entire scenery changes. Pickup trucks are replaced with Honda Odyssey’s, empty roadways and shops become hustling and bustling with shoppers and children of all ages.


9 Responses

  1. Thank you for writing and thank you YW for posting. This letter should be displayed in every shule in the 5 boroughs. I have been asked numerous times by non-Yehudim why the OTHER Jewish people are so rude. I’m so embarrassed I don’t even know what to say. I try to explain that rudeness is a human trait not monopolized by any group, religion or culture. I don’t think they buy this. I’m not saying everyone is rude, but it takes only one.

  2. Connecting, our menchlicher behaviour, to the term “Kiddush Hashem” won’t work.

    It’s like telling your child, “be good in school to other kids, so that the teacher and classmates, should define you as someone who comes from a good home”.

    There implication is that it’s all, an Act & a Show.

    Rather, we should be good and caring people to all, because ‘It’s the right thing to do’. They’re all Human.

  3. Excellent letter. Even home in Brooklyn it’s a kiddush Hashem to show courtesy to those whom we encounter daily such as cashiers, motorits, pedestrians. It costs nothing and creates goodwill. Double parking, blocking crosswalks, honking outside of homes can at times be a chillul Hashem and should be avoided even at home.

  4. And for 2 months a year Brooklyn is a quiet peaceful and clean environment. Traffic jams are unheard of and the roadways are clear of pedestrians. Long lines in stores are virtually non-existent.

  5. Valid points of driving and parking the car in a respectful manor is important and should be followed, however I sincerely doubt that store owners are complaining about “overcrowding” of shoppers in the mountains. In a recession that we are in with high unemployment, many businesses failing, i’m sure the crowds are a welcome sign to many business owners. Sure, as a shopper it is inconvenient, however boosting the general economy (Jewish and secular alike) is a positive thing.

  6. This is a great article and speaks to a vital issue both in Brooklyn and the Catskills(and unfortunately places outside of Brooklyn aren’t immune to Chillul Hash-m either)If anybody would like to begin to combat this issue please attempt to contact me regarding “Kiddush Hash-m Chaburas”….

  7. You don’t need kiddush hashem chaburas. You need mussar chaburas. Acting like a normal human being isn’t a kiddush hashem, its expected of all normal human beings. Not cutting in front of a non jew is not creating a kiddush hashem, it is acting like a normal person should. The only way it would be a kiddush hashem is if there is little to no expectation of civilized behavior and one acts in a civilized manner. Have we fallen so much that there is zero expectation that we act like normal people? Come on. While I agree with the letter writer in a practical sense, I greatly disagree with how he seemingly comes to his conclusion of calling normal behavior a kiddush hashem.

  8. To jewishflorida:
    As one store owner told me “we’re very happy when you come and we’re very happy when you leave”.

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