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Neo-Nazis Undergo ‘Fashion Makeover’

A report published over the weekend by Germany’s Interior Ministry and General Security Services reveals the new “fashion trends” of neo-Nazis and warns that a growing number of extreme right-wing activists opt to abandon their traditional look in favor of a more inconspicuous style – making it harder for authorities to identify them.

“The fact that nationalistic groups stop wearing distinguishable clothing and accessories makes the identification process much harder.

“The traditional neo-Nazi look has become outdated. Radical rightists prefer donning the latest fashion trends, which conceal their extreme political views,” the report, published by German newspaper Der Speigel, read.

According to the findings, out of some 25,000 German extremist from both the Left and Right political spectrum, a sharp increase in the number of neo-Nazis has been recorded in 2010, rising from 5,000 to 5,600.

Despite the alarming figure, the report also notes that a 14.5% drop in the number of neo-Nazi-related crimes was recorded during the same year.


One Response

  1. Dress up a pig is a suit and it is still a pig, dress up a Nazi and he is still a Nazi, The world continues to hate as Esav hates Yaakov. We should all pray for the collapse of Edom so that Yaakov can rise up and bring the coming of Moshiach.

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