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Israeli Car Rental Company To Nab Chareidi Impostors

car.jpgArutz 7 exclusive: Workers in “Kal Auto,” one of Israel’s largest car rental companies, will undergo special training in the upcoming days in order to learn to distinguish genuine Chareidim from impostors. The company decided to begin the training after a non-religious customer masqueraded as a Chareidi man in order to benefit from a special offer targeting Chareidi customers.

Kal Auto is offering a special deal to Chareidi and other religious customers during the upcoming Yomim Tovim, which allows renters to pay for only five days a week, since Frum Jews do not use their cars of Shabbos and Yom Tov.

13 Responses

  1. How do I contact Kal Auto to make a booking? I am going to Israel BE”H (does that sound sufficiently Chareidi?) for Tabernacles and would be interested in a deal paying 5 days out of 7!

  2. Easy: just give the renters a pop quiz and ask them Torah questions only a Chareidi would know. Of course, that would require the rental agency staff to learn Torah. (:-)

  3. Or, they could rent if they guarantee not to drive on Shabbos and yom tov. Assuming the rental agencies have the technology to keep track of this, and let the renters know. Gemar tov,

  4. Cmon now, if a customer says he’s religious then give him the discount. By admitting to being religious, they shows belief in the creator.

  5. cherry you also started your letter with a lower case maybe i did also but you criticized him hey editor do i get the prize now

  6. to sayitlikeitis:

    i believe the discount is (actually, most rental agencies do this) is not paying for shabat and yom tov (cannot say one day or two — thats another issue). so giving a “free ride” for saying one is religious is not so simple. besides the VAST majority of israelis are ma’aminim; they just dont know details, rituals, etc are not for them, but they definitely do believe in “hashem melech, hashem melech, hashem yimloch le’olam va’ed” to quote the end of ne’ilah.

    this is a major problem in terms of security — as you remember, fatah mechablim would dress up as charedim and bomb busses a few years ago in yerushalyim. so its a serious problem

    during ww2, the us army would identify friend or foe by asking them who played in the world series and details of the games. no real american of draft age would not know this info.

    to simplyjewish:
    my shul alternates kiddush on fri nite among our young members (under bar mitzvah). you’d be surprised how many kids dont know it, even with a siddur. a fault of our educational / yeshiva system.

  7. By giving the discount they are increasing their customer pool, so what, if a few say, hey I’m religious, but they may not be exactly according to every Bais Din. Its a lure for customers, nothing to get some ‘stringent’ about.

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