Tiveria City Inspectors Confiscate Tzedaka Pushkas

Many residents of Tiveria were somewhat surprised when they saw city inspectors confiscating tzedaka boxes that were placed around the city. As is the case in other cities with large chareidi populations around Eretz Yisrael, Tiveria is blessed with many tzedaka boxes as well as collection boxes for cans of food from different charitable organizations.

Despite the fact many of the tzedaka boxes have been in place for years, inspectors were sent with wire cutters and other tools, including a portable electric generator and electric metal saw to break locks, cut change and undo welds. The city employees worked for hours and succeeded in bringing dozens of the tzedaka boxes to a city warehouse.

According to the BaKehilla report, city residents are perplexed, explaining the tzedaka boxes serve to assist those in need and enable people to give tzedaka as they walk the streets.

The report states that Tiveria City Hall did not release a statement prior to publication.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Are they the gabo’im of the reb mier baal hanes? This money is given by visitors from other countries who visit there and give this money to go directly to the needy of this kolel and not for any other thing. They are nothing different then just plain ganovim going in to my pocket here in New York and taking my money.

  2. i have seen these boxes in Jerusalem. they are big,heavy and bulky collection boxes. many times they get in the way, and when one organization plants one, the others follow crowding up the sidewalks. there are smaller ones that are welded onto private property, and in some cases, holes are drilled into the walls to secure them. did the organization request permission to do this to city and private property? these lawless organizations got what they deserve, i hope the municipality of Jerusalem follows suit.

  3. To clarify this, several organizations with out permission, weld and chain (heavy heavy chains) their puskes to public and private property with NO PERMISSION. They are on bus stops, on walls of building and in all public areas. It is a case of the zadakah groups over stepping their boundaries since tzadakah here is a really big business. There is no excuse for this.

    There is NO law requiring public accounting like there is in the states and the tzadakah groups are raking in millions. There is a growing need for legislation to control the money.

  4. Number 2 and 3 may you never ever need tzadakah to live.
    People are in poverty and you are worry about the boxes being in the way. Get a life. How much do each of you give to tzadakah. My problem is I don’t have enough to give; since I want to give

  5. Yitzchoky, we both do mitzvas just like you, but we try to do them in a way that does not offend, endanger, or inconveinience others, not to mention cause them monetary loss. I vist yerushalayim often, and the sidewalks are narrow enough as it is. You would be upset if I blocked your driveway while I davened mincha/mairiv, right? Is everything allowed when one is doing a mitzvah? I am sure you would be thrilled if I welded a tzedakah box to the newly installed gate on your proporty! You are a mitzvah man!

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