Archaeological Remains From First Bais Hamikdash Era Found

tm.jpgDuring a recent archaeological inspection of the Temple Mount, carried out by the Israel Antiquities Authority on the maintenance work of the Waqf, an apparently sealed archaeological level dated to the First Bais Hamikdash era was exposed in the area close to the south-eastern corner of the raised platform surrounding the Dome of the Rock.

Archaeological examination of a small section of this level, undertaken by Yuval Baruch, the Jerusalem District Archaeologist, uncovered finds that included fragments of ceramic table wares and animal bones. The finds are dated from the eighth to the sixth centuries BCE.

The finds include fragments of bowl rims, bases and body sherds; the base of a juglet used for the ladling of oil; the handle of a small juglet and the rim of a storage jar. The bowl sherds were decorated with wheel burnishing lines characteristic of the First Temple Period. In addition, a piece of a white washed handmade object was found. It may have been used to decorate a larger object or may have been part of a figurine.

15 Responses

  1. if you think that moving to Israel is the answer to all our problems, or the beginning of Mashiach, then you are very sadly misguided. Open your eyes, only hashem will bring us to Eretz Yisroel with Mashiach.

  2. 4,
    come, move. i’ll help you out.
    maybe if more of us left america and showed a REAL desire to come home, He’ll make it finally Home.

  3. Is this an issue that raises an eyebrow in the Torah world? Do we care that the entire har habais area is being razed by the arabs, all evidence of Judaism destroyed, eradicated and shredded to bits? Should this be a tishabav to our generations as the destruction of the mikdash was to yesteryears? Are our neshamoes yearning for this spirituality, of a renewed beis hamikdash?
    You all know the answers to the above questions!! Now the clincher, why DON’T we care?

  4. Do you mean the 3rd Bais Hamikdash that chazal tell us will come down in fire? Even so I would doubt that they would be given the zechus, nor would we have a Bais Hamikdash that was built by tumah!

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