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President Bush To Visit Israel For First Time As President

bush.jpgPresident Bush is scheduled to visit Israel on January 9th 2008, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s office has confirmed to Ynet. Diplomatic officials in Jerusalem said the visit had been arranged during Olmert’s visits to the White House last week prior to and after the Annapolis peace conference.

Bush last visited Israel nearly a decade ago, while still serving as Governor of Texas.

The president’s visit is likely intended as a gesture of support for the recent US- mediated renewal of talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, talks which are based on Bush’s ‘road map’ for peace.

(Source: Ynet)

9 Responses

  1. just that if he goes to the kotel there will be such high police activity secret service ect== that nobody will be able to pray over there but of course i hope he goes over there and davens there with a lot of kavanah becouse his prayers can realy raely help israel alot becouse he is 100% percent for isreal and was and still is the best pesident we ever had that stands by israel so strongly and is not afraid of public opinnion like all our other presidents who gives in to public opinnion, PRESIDENT GEROGE W. BUSH IS THE ONE AND ONLY PRESIDENT WHO ONLY SINCERELY TRIES TO HONESTLY MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO DO THE RIGHT THING, AND OF COURSE IF IT WILL BE POSSIBLE I WILL VOTE FOR HIM TO BE PRESIDENT FOR A THIRD TERM!!! p.s lets all of daven from now on untill 01/09/08 that his visit to the holy city of jersulem will be very succecfull and THAT WE MERIT THE COMMING OF MASHIACH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND THAT THE CURRENT GULUS THAT WE ARE IN WHICH IS THE LONGEST AND TOUGHEST AND OF COUSRE THE LAST WILL END AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! NEXT YEAR IN JERSULEM!!!

  2. He’s coming to TWIST ARMS, empty outposts and get rid of checkpoints.. Is he bringing his sidekick, Condi with him, Laura is much more welcomed…

  3. Folks, the only reason he is going to Israel and the PA is to look Presidential. He lost his mandate to govern long ago and he is going to spend the next 13 months trying to look Presidential. He is very concerned that he will go down in history as the worst President in almost 100 years … so what better back-drop than Israel (one of the few places on the planet that will tolerate him) to look like a world statesman.

    Feel sorry for the man. He was so busy being God’s messenger on Earth, that he destroyed the US economy and our standing in the world.

    If he read and was a student of history (as were many past presidents) then he would have known that his theories and ideas were flawed.

    As Mark Twain said, “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme!”

  4. #1 g-d forbid….there will be a male president!!
    and # 4 yes George W Bush is a friend to the Jewish people and to Israel…Hillary = disaster for the USA, the Jewish people, Israel and the world!!

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