Government Okays 350 New Housing Units In Netiv HaAvot

The cabinet on Sunday, 10 Adar, promoted the urban planning scheme for the construction of 350 housing units as part of the arrangement of the Netiv HaAvot neighborhood in Gush Etzion.

The Urban Planning Scheme of the Netiv HaAvot neighborhood effectively regulates an alternative permanent solution, allowing the construction of 350 new housing units as requested by the Council and the residents.

The government also approved an immediate budget for the construction of a new neighborhood in part 91 as a temporary solution for residents whose homes would be demolished, and compensation to the families of the evacuees. The arrangement was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of various parties, including the head of the Gush Etzion council, Shlomo Ne’eman, the head of staff in the Prime Minister’s Office Yoav Horowitz, the adviser to the cabinet secretary Ronen Peretz, and the ministers Kahlon, Deri, Bennett and Shaked.

Gush Etzion Mayor Shlomo Neeman welcomed the government’s decision, saying that “the arrangement Netiv HaAvot that was approved today is a tremendous achievement for the Zionist enterprise in Yehuda and Shomron, while the extreme left and Arab organizations are working to uproot and destroy. Here in the inheritance of our forefathers in Gush Etzion, the crime of demolishing the houses will not be denied new construction but will bring hope to the Zionist enterprise in Gush Etzion.”

Regarding Netiv HaAvot, the following statements were issued by PM Netanyahu at the cabinet meeting pertaining to the project.

“Today, the Cabinet will approve a budget for the Netiv HaAvot outline. The residents of Netiv HaAvot have been waiting for a long time for this. I would like to thank my colleague, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, for the joint work, especially with two people, chief-of-staff Yoav Horowitz and Ronen Peretz from my office, they did outstanding work on both this matter and placing the first homes in the community of Amichai last week – this is a double blessing.”

The cabinet decision was applauded by Netiv HaAvot residents.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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