Vishnitzer Rebbe: The Situation Remains Unchanged

The Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita during seudas shlishis once again spoke of the situation vis-à-vis efforts to draft avreichim. He told the tzibur “nothing has changed”, instructing them to ignore orders to report to an induction center. The rebbe spoke of the responsibility of the tzibur at large to work to ensure an election victory for Yahadut Hatorah, citing the need to volunteer to assist and of course, everyone must vote.

The rebbe addressed those who feel by engaging in illegal activity such as voting twice, stating “This is not the way”, instructing them to act properly and the “Derech HaEmmes” and this is the only way to emerge with a success in hand.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Why was it necessary to alert Yeshiva bochurim to the sheker of voting twice? Doesnt a grade student know the facts of right and wrong? …or is everything justified for the end result.

  2. Well, at least the heilege Vishnitz has demonstrated some integrity by insisting that election fraud is not justified no matter what the circumstances. Lets hope the rest of the Chareidi tzibur takes the same high road.

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