Jerusalem Coalition Talks With Mayor-Elect Moshe Leon Are Underway

A week and a day after the Jerusalem mayoral runoff elections and the victory of Moshe Leon – and following a dramatic night of talks, the struggle over the portfolios reaches its peak. At the center of the struggle is the prestigious Chareidi Education portfolio as well as the chairman of the unit who runs the day-to-day operations. According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, the mayor-elect has already sent a message to Agudas Yisrael not to expect any senior portfolio in the incoming administration.

Leon is working tenaciously to reach agreement with Shas and Degel Hatorah, which will not be an easy task as they are both looking to be paid back their support, which they view as being responsible for his victory of Ofer Berkowitz. Degel, with six seats at the Jerusalem Council table, is demanding the Chareidi Education portfolio, which it feels “should be returned to the party” after being in the hands of Shas in the previous administration.

It appears that the national Degel Hatorah leadership, namely Moshe Gafne, is trying to find a senior post for Yitzchak Pindrus, a former deputy Jerusalem mayor and local party chairman who entered the mayoral race in Elad under the Degel banner but was disqualified by the court and is now left in exile. Degel views him suited to handle the city’s Building & Planning portfolio, a powerful position.

Shas is not exactly sitting by quietly waiting to see what share of the pie it receives. It too has its eyes set on the Chareidi Education unit, stating opening that they must protect the rights of the city’s Sephardi talmidim. Clearly Shas will be relying on Shas national party chairman Minister Aryeh Deri, who carries significant influence, which they expect he will use in these talks.

Kikar News adds that while Leon has already entered into talks with Degel and Shas, he has yet to meet with Agudas Yisrael’s Yossi Deutsch, who lost to Leon and Berkowitz in the first round of voting. While Agudah is likely to be in the coalition, despite his years of experience and his deputy mayor status in previous administrations, Deutsch will most likely have to settle for a far more modest post in the incoming administration.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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