Additional Accusations And A Police Probe Against Deputy Minister Yaakov Litzman

According to a News 13 report, police are now probing Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman’s involvement in working to assist a convicted criminal with ties to the Gerre Chassidus who is serving a sentence for his heinous assaults against others.

According to the report, the deputy minister and his chief of staff, Chaim Yustman, put pressure on a psychiatrist named Moshe Berger, and Litzman even spoke with him personally to include the same criminal in a group of 25 criminals in prison who begin a kind of rehabilitation for criminals who committed serious acts.

The process of rehabilitation is a necessary step towards obtaining leave from prison and early release of criminals who have committed particularly grave acts.

According to the report, Dr. Berger did not include the offender in the group, and Litzman spoke to him and put pressure on him, which included a request that the psychiatrist list all the serious offenders who preceded the offender at the entrance to this group.

The perpetrator, who had already served 10 years in jail, and all the rest prisoners, were included in the queue for that attractive group. The psychiatrist reportedly testified about the incident to police.

[REPORT: Litzman Tried To Sabotage Hatzalah Hotline Number]

The deputy health minister’s office said in response to News 13: “This is a false slander that never existed, and Litzman is not used to exert any pressure and is careful not to interfere with the professionals.”

Ten days ago, the police revealed that it had conducted a covert investigation over the past six months against the deputy minister. Last Thursday, Litzman was questioned on suspicion that he had tried to pressure health officials to submit an opinion that would prevent the extradition of a woman accused of dozens of serious offenses against minors in Australia

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. A while ago I read an article about him that he refused to ban cigarettes as he was getting Huge kickbacks from the tobacco companies and also how charged exorbitant summons for the privilege to meet him but somehow that didn’t go anywhere, a real shame he had the opportunity to show that Chreidim can be straight and honest but he blew it

  2. Attention to the negative comments:
    I am just wondering, are you getting some kind of a pleasure or maybe like a temporary boost when you try to knock the next guy. Share with us a little bit about this uplifting experience .

  3. The root of this whole state interference issue is being dealt with today for one reason and one reason only.
    Because the yeshivos knew that the state was turning a blind eye and eventually it caught up with them.
    Its no different then when you convince yourself that double parking is legal in Brooklyn. Then when the city starts tossing cars out of the blue , they are called snti semites
    כל המרחם על עכזרים סופו…

  4. Everyone is suddenly believing the Israeli government over a frum yid?
    A little don l’kaf zechus here.
    Believing Lashon Hara (without 2 eidim) is an isur d’oraisa.

  5. Yes mr avraham, we just shared it with you, a man that was sent to serve the people should do just that , not serve himself , he should not charge exorbitant fees for the honor to meet him he is a servant of the people

  6. The way mr litzman works is very simple: if there’s money for me in it it’s on the agenda if not it’s off the agenda , pretty simple

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