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Rav Druckman Shlita on Chacham Ovadia’s Words

druckmanWhile prominent dati leumi rav/posek Rabbi Chaim Druckman Shlita supported the candidacy of Rabbi Yisrael Ariel for the next Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi, the rabbi has come out strongly to defend Rav Stav following the scathing words of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita. Rabbi Druckman is quoted by Ynet’s Kobi Nachshoni saying “I am appalled by the blunt words uttered by HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita against Rabbi David Stav and my entire entity is outraged over those words.”

“How can one make such statements about a person without knowing him of meeting him? This is how we judge someone? Aren’t we dealing with דיני נפשות ?

“It is worthwhile learning Shmiras HaLoshon of the Chafetz Chaim. Even if there is a difference of opinion the points of contention should be emphasized and not passing personal disapproval and certainly not like this, which exceeds the limit.”

Kikar Shabbat quotes “senior Shas officials” responding to Rabbi Druckman’s words calling them “apikorsus”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Rav Ovadiah’s remarks will probably boomerang, and several undecided voters may now Davka vote for Rav Stav in retaliation at these disparaging remarks which were vented out on Motzei Shabbos.

  2. The point all those against reb ovidia are missing is, that reb ovidia said that its all based of what dati laumi rabbis told him! Dati laumi rabbis came and told reb ovadia that stav is no good, has no yiras shamyim, so they should complain to their own poeple

  3. I find it appalling that you quote druckman as “rabbi” and “prominent posek” after beis din has found that he has FORGED giyurim and ALL poskim, foremost Rav Elyashiv zt”l considered him a layman at best and probably an apikores at worst (that’s the explanation why shas has called him that and it’s unfortunate that you didn’t put their quote in context). A person as that has no right to offer an opinion on any other rav, and use the always easy “loshon hara” card. Although, I don’t always agree with Hagaon Rav Ovadiah, as I am a litvock, but on this issue of Stav that all gedolai Yisrael are in agreement (foremost Rav Shteinman shlit”a) that he isn’t fit to be the chief rabbi, to say that Rav Ovadiah doesn’t know chofetz Chaim is laughable especially coming from a forger and ignoramus like druckman.

    I’m happy to defend my position, although I’m sure people will just call me fomenting sinas chinum as opposed to arguing logically.

  4. Calling Rav Druckman apikoros is beyond even the most horrible loshon hora.
    I notice that the article does not credit this chillul Hashem to any spevific person, only to Shas officials.
    I guess these people are to cowardly or ashamed to have their name exposed to the light of day.
    They should crawl back to the sewers where they came from.
    This is not meant in any way to show disrespect for Chacham Ovaidia (Chas v’sholom). He is a true tzadik and is certainly entitled to his opinions.

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