CRACKS IN THE PARTY: Yaalon Says Lapid Is Hurting “Blue And White” Over Chareidi Hatred

MK Moshe (Boogi) Yaalon who is located at the number 3 spot for the Blue and White party said on Wednesday that he believed that Yair Lapid should step down from a rotation based leadership role for the Prime Ministership as it is harming the party.

Yaalon verbally attacked Lapid in a closed conference room because of his negative statements about Charedim and claiming that they have become a burden to society. Yaalon further claimed that the rotation is damaging to the party’s success and that Benny Gantz should the head the party himself.

Comments leaked from the meeting were carried by multiple news agencies which said “Lapid is pushing away potential voters on the center-right and in Chareidi communities…..Lapid is a liability. He went for a negative campaign, a campaign of hatred that’s causing us damage….He’s attacking groups that could otherwise find their home in Blue and White, or be our partners in the future. His rotation for prime minister with Benny Gantz turned voters off.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. does it really matter? it’s not about Charedim
    it should be about our values!
    right now we could neither bibi nor charedim are doing too well on that Front

  2. this seriously matters because there’s some chance, maybe very slight that the left party could win next election, but will need the chareidim to join their coalition which they won’t get unless lapid is thrown out

    Finally the Rasha is getting a taste of his gehenoim

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