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Neturei Karta Man Charged With Spying for Iran

ywnisrael.israelAn indictment was filed on Thursday, 25 Menachem Av 5773 in the Jerusalem District Court against a chareidi resident for allegedly maintaining contact with a foreign agent and expressing a willingness to spy against Israel.

The suspect is a member of Neturei Karta, 47, and he expressed a willingness to spy against Israel for Iran three years ago. He visited the Iranian Embassy in Berlin and offered his services. He received an email address from his contact which he used at least twice. A gag order prohibits publishing his name.

14 Responses

  1. The media is up with Neturei Karta because of their black hats but are secular leftists destroyers of Israel any better than Neturei Karta?

  2. This sounds dubious. A person who looks hareidi would be worthless as a spy. He wouldn’t have access to things were spying on (unless he was conscripted), and would stand out too much. Someone in a kapote wearing sackcloth and carry a camera snooping around IDF bases?????

    There are some scenarios that might make the story “hang together.” He might be someone who dresses “modern” and has a job that would facilitate intelligence gathering (thus he’s more of a modern religious Israeli with Neturei karta sympathies). He might have been planning to recruit modern orthodox who become disillusioned with zionism. He might have offered to help the Iranians in ways not involving military secrets (in US law that would be becoming an unregistered agent of a foreign power).

    Or the charges might be purely political with no basis in fact or law.

  3. Or they might be 100% factual. This conspiracy theorizing smacks of the same kind of break from reality we see when Egypt arrests a shark for spying for Israel, or Saudi Arabia arrests a vulture. They are convinced an animal can spy for Israel. You are convinced a person with a passionate hatred for Israel couldn’t possibly be a spy. Same psychosis at play

  4. To AThought… You made a mistake… Not because of their black hats, rather because of their black, dark HEADS and hearts.
    Granted, the RADICAL Shalom Achshavs and New Israel Fund are also in the same group.
    However, at least they’re literate. Neturei Karta are uneducated primitives and live for nothing else but to besmirch our holy Medinat Yisrael.

  5. #3: That’s where you should be and remain.

    #4: Israeli media lying through their teeth is a routine occurrence, not a “conspiracy theory”.

  6. The only sort of hareidi who could find employment as a spy for Iran would be someone who doesn’t look hareidi and who has served (or is serving) in the IDF,or working in a defense-related industry.

  7. I’m sorry, this is off topic but now I have doubts as to whether or not akuperma even davens or not. We know that he cannot possibly learn a word of Torah, but the fact that he is posting comments AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY, makes one question even his commitment to davening.

    Now, for those who will say it is none of my business, I would say that normally it would not be. But when someone bashes Israel virtually EVERY day for not observing Torah and mitzvos, it becomes my business. For he is bashing my own family members who are DL, serve in the IDF and attend/attended Hesder yeshivos.

  8. Akuperma,

    I shudder when I think of what awaits you after your petirah from this world. Unless of course you are insane. But I think that is unlikely. Because I constantly watch how you utilize your obvious intelligence to try and promote your backwards, evil, views. You are wretched soul who represents the depth we have sunk during this Golus.

  9. Zalman says:
    August 1, 2013 at 10:22 am

    #3: That’s where you should be and remain.

    #4: Israeli media lying through their teeth is a routine occurrence, not a “conspiracy theory”.

    please list a few stories that have been proven false this was the same thing when the story of the starving mother came to light and hundreds more that turned out to be 100% true

  10. Yanky55…. Be blessed… You speak for me and I’m sure for so many more of us. They cannot and will not BE”H win. Sure there are problems, but when I go to Israel , I see the building of beautiful homes, the orchards are full of fruits… It is the fullmilment of the navi who predicted that this will happen. This land yielded nothing to the invaders and conquerors throught the millenia until the last 60 years. It’s a miracle and there are miracles in EY every day and every moment. We always had those who loved Eretz Mitzraim and hated EY… These are their offspring. But as in the past, they will wither and disappear. Long live EY..!!

    A shout to # 10 also… You’re great.

  11. #12- I appreciate your letting me know that I speak for you and others (such as #10, as you mentioned).

    You are 100% right; these people are the meraglim of our generation who can only find the negative in E”Y and are too blind to see that E”Y exists ONLY through nissim every single day!

  12. Yasher Koach akuperma! You are the epitome of Emes and someone who loves all of Klal Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel. You write everything what Gedolei Yisroel have been saying for many decades already. You point out the fallacies of the government of Israel and its various gezeiros against Bnei Torah.

    Even when the reshoyim above call you all sorts of names because the truths you speak cause anguish in their evil hearts, you remain silent knowing your words of Torah and truth must and will prevail, just as they have in the past and just as the Rabbonim shlita say they will in the future.

    akuperma, I stand up for you and I salute you. You represent the best of Jewry.

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