Large Chareidi Chasunah Held In Dubai On Thursday Night, The Second One This Week [VIDEO ROUNDUP]

A large Charedi wedding took place on Thursday night in the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The wedding came just a few months after the historic signing of the Abraham Accords that normalized relations between Israel and the UAE.

For the first time, dozens of Charedim from Israel and New York set foot on the sands of the Muslim country. Among the notable people who attended were Rav Sholom Ber Sorotzkin, Rosh Yeshiva of Ateres Shlomo, and Chassidic music sensation Motti Steinmetz.

“The reason that they held the wedding in Dubai is that both Israel and the U.S. are causing problems for large weddings due to COVID regulations,” Dudi Rubinstein from the Tourist Agency “Chul Mehudar” told BeChadrei Charedim. “In Dubai, everything is better. We managed to organize Chareidi wedding with all of the proper pomp. We didn’t feel at all like we weren’t in Israel or Brooklyn, it seems so natural to hold events here. I believe that many other Chareidim will come here for their celebrations.”

The chosson, Chaim Maimon is from New York, and the kallah, Tzippora Ostrofsky, is from Israel so the families decided that both sides would travel to Dubai and celebrate with their relatives and friends. Approximately 150 people flew to Dubai from both Israel and New York to participate in the festivities.

The trend of Chareidim heading to Dubai and Abu Dhabi is increasing, and many Israelis spent last Shabbos in Dubai. The phenomenon is expected to grow in the future as daily flights to Dubai fill up with Israeli tourists. Israir, El Al and Arkia all operated flights to Dubai on Thursday and will continue to operate daily flights on the UAE-Israel route.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Sounds like they didn’t learn a thing from the pandemic….such as scaling back on the cost of weddings. The money spent just getting there….

  2. Unsure of the heter for the kallah and family to leave Eretz Yisrael to make a chasuna. We made a chasuna in Eretz Yisrael about a month ago, albeit with a smaller crowd, in the courtyard of a cheder bedecked with artificial grass.

  3. Oh my I’m so proud!…..I don’t know something just stinks about this new infatuation with everyone running to these Arab states.
    I mean I’m happy about the political potential and even the economic potential. but just something just ain’t fright about these weddings $$$$$ and these touring trips that people are running over each other to go there as if this is the greatest place on earth?…..
    Doesn’t pass the smell test…sigh!

  4. Dear YWN,

    Did you ask permission from the baalei simcha before posting videos of their simcha?

    Just because ill mannered guests take videos and WhatsApp them around, does not mean this is a public event for everyone to gawp at.

  5. Apparently, frum Jews were troubled during the pandemic not knowing what to blow money on. B”H they found their outlet. I am curious if anyone asked the sheilah if one is allowed to leave Eretz Yisrael for this.

    There will always be meshugaim

  6. lol their all Israeli’s so they dont know how to behave at fancy weddings you see them all chapping arein by the shmorg and bending their nose down to the food during the main course its hilarious

  7. When Avraham Avinu was commanded “Lech Lecha M’Artzecha” He was told to leave Aram Naharayim. Avraham Avinu then sent his servant Eliezer to find a wife for Yitzchok from there. That’s the connection between Dubai and weddings. Mazel Tov!

  8. “both Israel and the U.S. are causing problems for large weddings due to COVID regulations,”
    Wow. How out of touch with other people’s suffering can one get? The U.S. and Israel are interfering with their need to show everyone how rich they are.

  9. Why do we never learn?! We have become so comfortable in Golus (USA, Europe, England and even EY) that we make these chasunehs that blow the Goyim’s eyes out. Then COVID comes and makes us shut down this lavish way of living, hopefully giving us the message that this is not what Hashem wants – but we still don’t get the message!. So we run off to Arab countries, places and people who have hated us for centuries and do the same thing all over again! Can we not just stop and think to ourselves – What does Hashem want from us? We have created these chasunehs which are no better than rock concerts, with gashmiyus beyond any thing reasonable, mimicking everything from the world around and we think this is the way to live. Hashem y’racheim!

  10. I dont spend extra on a thing and I can b”h afford, but I dont know why, in the coments it sounds like we dont fargin, everybody knows how other people should use there money.
    I think we should stop caring what other people do, if you think its wrong to spend then dont spend, mix out on what others do, its not your business.
    Its not healthy, beruchneis and begashmeis, it creates all types of problems, just live and laugh and live out your lovely years hashem gave you on this world!!

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